1 - The first meeting.

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I look in Neptune's direction and he was talking with someone. We just changed orbits and he already has new friends. Lucky him.

Wait... Isn't the orbit that is closest to Neptune is Mars's orbit? Or Earth's from now on? I can finally meet Earth! Maybe I could even paint him.

He has so many different colors, shades on him that I haven't painted before. And all the creatures that are hiding on his surface. Spectacular.

But how do I approach him? I'm just a random planet while he's an incredible one that can sustain life! And wouldn't it be weird to ask what is going on on his surface?

Neptune looks like he's having a good chat. Wait why is he wearing those old glasses? They don't fit him at all.

I can hear a little bit of their conversation. Neptune is so formal. It's crazy how much an orbit change can change a whole planet.

Earth sounds like he's freezing. Poor him. I understand not being used to colder environments can be harsh. It's quite warm for me but I'm not experiencing that much climate change compared to Earth.

His moon is with him too. The moon has a worried expression on his face. I would be worried too if my planet the can sustain life changed it's orbit.

Honestly I'm very worried for Earth. Yes I'm excited that I can finally meet him without melting, but at the same time I don't want him to lose his life.

Well since I waited so long to talk to him I should just go for it. Neptune looks like he's getting along with him so I should too right?

"Stop calling me Terra, Neptune!"

"Why would I? Isn't that your mythological name?"

"The mythology is quite weird, Neptune. In the mythology I get together with another planet."

"Why is that bad?"

"It's not- I mean it is! I'm not sure how to feel about it..."

"Why's that Terra?"

"You don't need to know."

"Is that so."

I should try to join their conversation.  It's quite mean of me to eavesdrop.

"Hello Neptune" I utter.

"Greetings Uranus."

"Hi Uranus."

They said my name right! They aren't making fun of it! This made me more happier then it should've.

"He-Hello Earth.." Why did I stutter? That never happens to me. This is annoying.

"So what are you both talking about?" I say trying to pretend I wasn't eavesdropping. 

"Terra was telling me more about his earthlings mythology!"

"Sure." Earth whispers.

"That sounds fun. Earth are you okay..?"

"Yeah... Just a bit cold..."

I hate seeing him suffer like this. I wish I could help, but I'm colder then him. I would have gave him a hug, kept him as close to him until he would feel warm again, not letting go. But I can't. It hurts not being able to.

"Earth could you tell me more about your earthlings?"

"Of course, Uranus. I can ask astrodude to bring pictures too if you want."

"That would be lovely Earth. Thank you."

"My pleasure."

I love listening to him talk. He looks so happy while talking about his earthlings. I wish I could talk to him more often. He means a lot for me even though we started talking not too long ago.

I can try painting his earthlings based on his description. Maybe I could even give him the painting as a gift. That would be lovely!

Why do I think of Earth so much? I never thought of anyone this much before. Plus he means a lot to me. It's probably because I like him in a friend way... Not in a love way... Right? I mean I wouldn't mind- WAIT WHAT.

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