" It's nothing much Violet, just a congratulations." Jo smiled when Violet pulled away from the hug.

" Well any gift that comes from you is a gift," Violet smiled as she clasped Jo's hands in her own ( her hands no longer bruised from punching Lord Bird-Berbrook, letter he be free of those gloves). " You've raised a darling daughter Stephan." She chuckled as she looked over at Stephan digging into the breakfast, making Violet chuckle and shake her head.

Violet then let go of Jo's hands too look in the baskets for the contents, when suddenly Jo felt a familiar presence press up against her back.

" What do we have here little dove?" Collin asked as he reached over Jo and into the basket with biscuits, and as he did so his other hand brushed against her waist intentionally causing her to inhale slightly.

" They're biscuits I made for your mama as a congratulations for Daphnes marriage match." I smiled innocently as I turned to face Collin with a playful smirk on my face, as Violet swatted Collins hand away from the basket.

" Eight children and i cannot have a single thing to myself." Violet huffed as she shook her head at Collin and closed the basket before moving to a place where her children wouldn't get it.

" Let's see if they're any good then." Collin smirked playfully causing Jo to roll her eyes at him while smiling as he brought the biscuit to his mouth and took a bite.

" And?" Jo smiled as she crossed her arms as she looked up at him, trying not to jump into his arms and kiss him all over his face.

" Delicious." Collin smirked as his eyes flicked down to her lips before looking back up at her as he raised his eyebrows momentarily, hinting at the double meaning.

His eyes then looked down to her ring finger and his eyes frowned momentarily in confusion at the lack of ring, and looked back up at her as to say ' Where's the ring?'

Jo then pointed at the necklace on her neck and then down at her cleavage as the ring was hidden there at the end of the necklace. Momentarily Collins eyes darkened lustfully as a smirk formed on his lips, before snapping out of it as he chuckled as I finally got that the ring was hidden there which made Jo playfully punch his arm.

" What?!" Collin chuckled as he rubbed his arm.

" You are horrible!" Jo giggled and shook her head at him.

" You cannot blame me for thinking such a way Miss Hydeton." Collin whispered teasingly as he stepped closer to her.

" I am a lady Mr Bridgerton." Jo smiled playfully and crossed her arms.

" Couldn't tell with the way you were kissing last night." Collin chuckled deeply, making Jo's eyes widen.

" Someone will hear you!" Jo whispered as she looked around the dining room, to see if anyone had heard but the Bridgerton's and her father all continued to eat happily and loudly.

" They are all too busy to notice what we are doing, I could kiss you here up against the wall and I'm sure they wouldn't even bat an eye." Collin smirked teasingly, as I looked up and down at Jo as his fingers grazed down her arm making her body shiver.

" You are unbelievable." Jo swatted his fingers away from her arm.

" You know who you are marrying." Collin shrugged with a smug smirk as he leaned against the wall as they conversed on the outskirts of the dining room.

" May give the ring back." Jo smirked playfully up at him.

" You wouldn't dare." Collin leaned down with a low teasing voice as his hand brushed her back, which may have seemed innocent to onlookers but the simple action made her legs feel weak.

" Might dare..." Jo whispered playfully, and Collin looked darkly into her eyes.

" Wait a minute and then follow me." Collin whispered deeply into her ear, before straightening up and walking out the dining room and Jo had to catch her breath for a second.

" I'll guess you'll be next." Eloise suddenly said from behind Jo, making her jump and her heart dropped at the thought of Eloise hearing her conversation with Collin, and if she did... would she tell anyone about their engagement?

Authors note:

She's backkkkkkk

Gone from starving you guys from no chapters for six months, to two chapters a week apart!!

I think I deserve a pat on the back for that 💅🏽

Just kidding!! Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote and I'll see you next week ( or earlier if I'm feeling nice 😉).

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