He saw minho getting out of jisungs hold who whined . " Hyung , don't leave me . I am safe ............with you . In your arms " mingi saw smile on minhos lips . Minho sat back down and opened his arms again making jisung snuggle back again .  Soon jisung was lifted up by minho . Jisung yelped and wrapped his legs around minhos waist . " hyung " jisung whined ." What . I have to drink water " minho said teasingly looking at jisung flushed face . Minho started to walk to the table not caring mingi is present or not .

" Gosh , they can be romantic elsewhere . It is making me miss my darling even more . " saying that he went to jisung room to make a call for his wife .

" Hello , honey " he heard the familiar sweet voice coming out of the device . " Hello,  sweetheart . How are you . I miss you " mingi spoke whining . He heard the most beautiful voice chuckling and giggling . His lips automatically turned upside creating small holes in his cheeks . " God,  you can't even leave me for even a day , Minnie.  Could you ? " ms han spoke while giggling .

" Hey hey , you know . Jisung has a boyfriend ." Mingi with a fond smile on his face . Mingi removed the device from his hear when he heard his wife scream.  " WHATTTTTT ? WHEN ? HOW ? IS HE NICE ? MAINLY IS HE HANDSOME ? DID YOU APPROVE ? IS HE KIND ? IS HE -" Miss han was cut off by mingi who calmed her down . "Yes ,he has a boyfriend . It's been 2 months I think since they started dating . I don't know how but yeah . He is extremely nice to jisung and I am repeating only jisung . He is nice to only jisung . Yes . He is extremely handsome but not more than me ofc .  I did approve him but he doesn't know " mingi answered the questions . " Gosh , I need his photo . Right now . Mingi I am asking again . Is he nice enough to be with jisungie " ms han asked in a calming down worried about her son . " Yes , darling. He really is worthy for jisung . I saw him taking care of jisung in all possible ways even though it's been 2 days . I approve him . Do you know jisung just told him about his past and I literally saw him crying and hugging josung while saying sorry for not protecting him and he even swore that he would heal all the scars of jisungs . He is worthy . " mingi said while explaining everything reassuring his wife .

" okay . Now i really want to meet him " ms han said.  Mingi could feel her jumping around. " and you know . Jisungs boyfriends parents are lee corporation owners that we are currently working with " mingi spoke . He heard gasps coming from the device . " oh God.  Damn a coincidence . " mingi heard squeals and shouts in a cutest voice . He smiled to himself feeling happy hearing his dears voice after a looooooooooong time . " don't worry you will meet him soon ." Mingi reassured.  " but send me a picture first " " okay "

" Hey , you know jeongin and seungmin have boyfriends too and they are extremely nice especially jeongins boyfriend " mingi said . " God.  Can't believe this much happened in just 1 year " ms han spoke . " I agree " mingi agreed to ms Hans statement . " so now explain " ms han spoke in demanding tone and mingi knows what she is talking  about . Soon he explained everything that had happened including minhos personality . " damn . That mf didn't leave him alone . But I really like minhos personality . He really is worthy I think " " ofc he is worthy dear "


Minho made jisung sit on the table as he stood between his legs and drank his water . " So , can I know when I can kill that mf . I can't beat it anymore.  Sungie . " minho said with a fake serious tone . Jisung chuckled and held minhos neck who inreturn wrapped his hands around jisungs waist . " soon and I will give a helping hand . But be it soon . Jeongin could finish him sooner than you think " jisung replied with the same fake serious tone . Soo they erupted into a fit of laughter . They looked into each other's eyes smiling . Minho pinched jisung cheeks . " Cuteeeee , gosh you can kill me with your cuteness someday . Sungie . Kiyowooooooo . " with that he filled jisungs entire face with kisses . Jisung cutesy giggled making minho groan . " stop being so freaking cute . I can't help myself "

Jisung giggled again . " Well your even cuter than me . " jisung spoke as he squeezed minhos cheeks together making his lips pouty . " see , my cute little kitten " saying that jisung kissed minhos pouty lips . Minhos face heated up.  " cuteee . See your the one who is cuter than me " jisung said while pouting making minhos heart go crazy . He couldn't control his hands anymore and attacked jisung pinching his cheeks and kissing all over . " Hyunggg " jisung whined . " my pretty princess " minho said finally letting go of the flustered and pink jisung . Jisung finally took a breath . " hyung " he whined as he slapped minho on his arms . He placed his head on minhos shoulder . They stayed like that for a few minutes . " oh it's dinner time . We need to go to cafeteria . " minho broke the silence . They parted away and now jisung got down from the table and went to ask mingi to come and eat .



Jisung was happily walking through the empty hallway while humming a song which he is familiar with . He just got of the class for washroom . The corridor was empty . Not even a single soul was present . He  removed the negative thoughts away .

He soon reached the washroom and went inside . After he finished his business there , he went to wash his hands . He looked at the mirror only to freeze . There stood Jae yoon leaning on a bathroom stall smirking . He started walking to jisung who backed away to the sink .


Jae yoon pinned jisung to the sink . Jisung got disgusted . That smirk . Those eyes . That man . He hated all those . Jisung tried to escape only to get slapped . Twice . " God, that feels good . That bruise on your cheek . It looks good . On you . I already told you hannie . You look good in red , purple and brown . On your skin. "

" now . Make me feel good . Humm " jae yoon said as he pinned jisung and started to insert his hand inside jisung shirt . Jisung felt like crying . " S-s-stop please . I beg you " jisung pleaded the sinister man infront him . But Jae yoon covered jisungs mouth with a cloth and started to kiss his neck . Jisung tried to scream through the cloth but they were muffled . Jisung felt disgusted by himself.  He felt like cheating on minho . He hated himself.  He hated his body . Scars . Him .

Jisung tried to back away Jae yoon but he got slapped in return . He got tired . He came weak . He felt his legs giving up . He felt Jae yoon hand traveling through everywhere even his private parts . He gave up . He could feel black . He started to black out . That didn't stop Jae yoon at all.  Infact he did something much worse .  He injucted something into jisung and placed him on his shoulder as he skipped through the hallways and to the road going somewhere unknown to others .

" Now your fully mine . Hannie . My dear boy toy "

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