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"It's- its Lee minho "

" WAITTT" Chan and changbin shouted at a time making jisung shut his ears .

" You said lee minho that tall , handsome and emotionless guy ." Chan said making jisung nod vigorously .

" Gosh , then you must be having a hard time . He is a hard nut to crack " changbin said with a amused expression painted on his face .

" To say , yeah he is a hard nut " jisung said feeling disappointed that his new found crush doesn't even like him .

But jisung wanted to divert that topic so he decided to attack his clumsy Baby .

" so jeongin , who is your roommate ?" Jisung asked curiously. 

" actually,  I also don't know . When I entered my dorm there was no one in there but I could see that there is an another person living there as one bedroom is filled with things " jeongin said finally taking a breath .

" Ohh" jisung was disappointed that he couldn't tease the younger . But he found another way .

" so that hwang hyunjin is that the name . He is your guide right ? How is he ? " jisung asked in a teasing tone .

Before jeongin could answer Chan spoke " hwang hyunjin . The handsome flirty dude " jeongin nodded as answer .

Chan and changbin signed . " God what a fate ?" Changbin said feeling amused . " how come minho and hyunjin are your roommate and your guide ? " Chan questioned himself .

Jisung nodded telling them that he understood . Jeongin and seungmin hugged each side of jisung making him to cough due to pack of breath.  " Yahhh you Pabo's St-stop i- I can-cannot breath " jisung coughed continously but still they didn't leave him as they know their   friend is an dramatic idiot .

" I know you love it when we hug you Hyungggg " seungmin said rubbing his cheek against jisung's left arm .

But right now , all jisung cared about is a intense stare . Like someone was watching him like they wanted to kill him that second . His spine shivered . He looked around but he couldn't sense who it is .

Jisung tried so hard to get them out of his body . ' finally ' jisung thought . But his efforts didn't last long when jeongin hugged him by his waist . Jisung facepalmed . He gave jeongin the ' u am so done with you' look .

Jeongin just laughed it off and pulled away now eating . Jisung ate peacefully. 

The group talked about themselves a bit. About how seungmin is junior of Chan and felix is Chan's cousin . Just then somebody placed their food tray on the bench and sat next to jeongin making the said boy turn around to look .

There sat a ' Hwang Hyunjin '

" Hello hyung " jeongin said with his smile and his usual Bubbly self . Hyunjin just practically melted at the sight which was noticed by Chan , changbin and jisung .

Jisung just smirked at them planning to tease the younger . Chan and changbin just stayed in shock that the flirty playboy and popular dude fell for someone .

To say the members at the table just third wheeled between hyunjin and jeongin as hyunjin constantly flirting with jeongin and jeongin being oblivious to the older feelings laughed it off making hyunjin quite hurt .

After their ' third wheeling ' meal they parted ways and went to their classrooms .

Jisung's next class was history ofcource even when they are in art school they have regular subjects like history , maths etc .

To say , jisung liked history because of they talked about music history . Jisung really liked music more than anything . Music was his life . He felt like he can express his feelings through music . He liked producing music which he still didn't but trying . With the help of Chan and changbin he can create music .

He liked the feeling of freedom . He express his feelings through lyrics . Every word in his lyrics , every rhythm they created are feeling of jisung . The sound while he was rapping or singing are like freedom to jisung .

His thought were cut off by greeting od students when the teacher entered . Everybody bowed and the teacher started the lecture .

To say , jisung was fully concentrated on this class . He listened to every word the teacher said making notes and registering them in his mind .

Sometimes he would keep the pen in his mouth when he was confused or when he didn't understand the concept making him look like fool .

' he really is a fool ' a stranger thought .

After the lecture ended jisung went to his last class which is english .

Jisung hated english . But he is not poor in this subject but why he hated it because it was boring .

He entered the class and was greeted by none other then the lee felix .

He greeted jisung and jisung returned the greeting by making it seem funny .

They both sat next to each other and half the class jisung fell asleep . His left hand stretched over the table , his cheek pressed against his left arm making it seem puffed up and his right arm on the desk . His hair was scattered around his forehead making him look extra adorable. 

Felix just cooed at the sight of his adorable round friend . He just stared at him . ( don't mind him . He is not in love . He is just adoring his friend ) . His eyes screamed ' whipped ' .

Unfortunately,  felix had to wake up jisung as the class ended . He gently shook the older which made the said boy groan. 

He woke up and rubbed his eyes with his tiny fist . He looked around and packed his bag and left with felix .

Felix left to his dorm and jisung to his . While jisung was taking a turn in the corner he bumped into a hard substance ' maybe wall ' unfortunately for him it was the lee minho . He looked up and saw him . His eyes widened and his panic rose . So he just bowed to him and apologized.  Minho just didn't say anything and left him making jisung confused .

' RUDE ' jisung thought and went back to ' their ' dorm .

Hey guyss . This is chapter 5 . And  thanks for reading . I hope you like it . I wanted to make progress between the couples but I couldn't so this book might take longer than expected but I would make sure that you guys won't get bored .

Admiring You - Minsung Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя