They played round after round and Harry couldn't only half pay attention to whatever he was doing because he was too busy imagining every situation he can make up in his head. Everything he'd say and everything he'd ask. It was all ready and memorized as if it were a script waiting to be played.

The clock ticked the seconds away and evening descended on them soon. Harry was basically vibrating in his seat as the six o' clock neared.

"Harry calm down! I get that you're excited to fo to London but I didn't think you'd be this excited." Fred exclai,exclaimed, as he wrapped a arm around his shoulder. Harry turned red in embarrassment and his jaw hurt from smiling but how could he not? It was too perfect, too good! Too close... Sooner or later he would hear the familiar call of Moony, shouting from the bottom most step signalling to him that irs about time they-

"Harry! How much longer! The clock's ticking!" Harry scrambled from Fred's side embrace, yelled goodbye and stumbled down the stairs into Remus.

"Calm down cub, let's go! We are all excited here that doesn't ,mean you need a bruised and bloody nose when you meet them." Harry just waved Remus' comment off and asked where Sirius had disappeared off too instead.

"Narcissa called him off off the house, he is waiting for us there." Remus spoke in a low tone as they shuffles their way into the fireplace.


Harry landed with a thud as he entered the drawing room of the cheery cottage. Sirius and Mrs. Malfoy seemed to be in a deep discussion when they made their entrance known.

"Harry!" Sirius yelled joyfully as he bounded over to his godson and patted his fervently. Harry didn't mind, how could he? His excitement was over the moon.

"Your parents, they are waiting for you Harry, I think they are just excited as you are." Said Mrs. Malfoy calmly but there was a soft twinkle of mirth in her eyes. Harry couldn't help but notice her disposition. She looked weary, slow and tired yet her smile was still bright. Brighter than ever to say the least.

"Where are the others? Surely they wouldn't want to miss such a momentous occasion?" Remus asked looking around the room and noticing the lack of crew.

"They were here, they went back home though, Merlin knows they are tired out of their minds, there were a few complications with their magic last night so they stayed up all night and watched them, I went home before them because they have told me they will lok after the Potter's, my biggest regret,I suppose, was my not being there when their eyes opened." Harry's heart whirred with a mixture of feelings at Mrs. Malfoy's statement.

But he held himself together, for his parents he supposed, but he knew, the closer he got to meeting them, the more anxious he felt.

"Harry, I think you should go first, you are the person they are most curious to meet." Harry just looked at Sirius curiously.

"You... you haven't talked to them yet?" Harry asked sincerely as he wa,ked towards the staircase. His heart was pounding, he could feel the sweat forming at the corners of his head.

"Not yet Bambi, I thought it would be best for you to meet them first." Harry couldn't bring himself to reply to that yet. His mouth suddenly felt dry, and his glasses seemed vaguely foggy, was it normal to feel dizzy right now. Was he dehydrated, or just, nervous.

Harry let out a soft sigh and turned back to see his two godfathers nodding encouragingly and Mrs. Malfoy smiling softly. She really was nothing like her family, it's a shame she married that bastard and gave birth to more bastard spawn. She didn't deserve them.

Harry quietly stepped up the staircase, his heart pounding on rhythm with each footfall. All the situations he imagined himself in before seemed to fall away leaving nothing but a bubble of anxiety and wretched feeling of horror, what if they didn't like me?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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