Chapter Six

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The letter arrived during breakfast with the Weasleys. Molly Weasley had prepared pancakes and everyone was munching contentedly with quiet morning whispers and promises to sleep after breakfast when Kreacher made his presence known with a squeak.

The sudden appearance of the House Elf shocked everyone, especially Sirius, considering he was given a letter, though, it did look more like an ugly page that was hurriedly torn out from a notebook.

Sirius immediately ushered the Elf out of the room and disappeared down the corridor. And with his disappearance a moment of silence befell the members sitting at the table.

"Reckon the letters about?" Ron asked Harry quietly. Harry knew exactly what the letter was about, it was about his parents and Merlin, did he hope nothing bad exactly happened to them.

"I don't know, maybe some Dumbledore stuff." Harry answered lying impassively while matching Ron's tone, he tried to keep an unfazed façade but was failing miserably. His gut coiled and churned and anxiety bloomed in his stomach like rose bushes, prickling his insides painfully with every micro-movement.

Sirius bounded into the room a few seconds later excitedly calling Remus and disappearing back again with the werewolf in tow. What was going on?

They hadn't returned for the remainder of breakfast and the uneasiness Harry felt grew more and more. Their plates were carried out by Mrs. Weasley and placed on a small coffee table outside the room, 'I guess they'd better off eat together, better something than nothing.' Molly sniffed as she cleared the table.

Fred and George dragged Ron off to test out their new products and attempted to drag Harry too but, Harry seemed to be rotted in his seat.

"Harry, mate, whatever Sirius was called in for must be good news! I mean did you see his expression!" Fred tried to cheer him up. It worked a little, Harry did join them in their testing and their fun but his mind kept straying to that little letter. And it's contents.

It was nearing lunchtime when Harry was dragged off by Remus and into their bedroom where Sirius was sitting on the bed who was dangling his legs of the side of the bed like a little schoolboy.

"Is it about the letter?" Harry asked the two men the second the door shut behind Remus. Sirius' grin grew impossibly bigger at his question. The man rummaged through his pockets and pulled the crumpled piece of parchment out and held it to Harry as if it were a tasty piece of candy.

Harry eyes grew wide at the letter. How can one sentence make his heart flutter so high it might as well reach the heavens. This moment alone can fuel a hundred Patronuses. The letter was barely even a letter at all. Just a scrap containing the most beautiful words Harry could ever hear.

They have awoken.

August 13th was the best day to ever happen ever. And if Harry left the room looking like he just ascended to Cloud 9 no one said anything. It was better for him to be happy now because things were looking bleaker with every passing second.

Harry eagerly awaited for evening to arrive, Dumbledore had given the three of them permission permission go to 'London' for an outing. They wouldn't be back until after dinner, Harry knew that much. The rose bushes in his stomach turned into butterflies as he counted the seconds until their departure.

"Harry, what's got you smiling like that?" Ginny asked as she and her brothers played a round of Exploding Snap. Harry just shrugged while laying his cards down.

"Must be real good news, mate!" Ron nudged him excitedly as he placed his cards in order. Harry's smile grew impossibly wider. It was, it was the best news ever!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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