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part 1!!

*Remember Y/N Stand for your name. Use whatever name but dnt come spread hate and Say Y/N is such a pick me. That means your calling yourself as a pick me.*




"Y/N!! WAIT FOR ME!!" Minu says as he runs after her

"Minu, wait here i want to get you something!" Y/N says as she runs away. After 10 minutes and she returns, she hands him her hoodie...

"S..Since im leaving...Soon...Have this!!" Y/N says as she hugs him

"N/N!! Why..Are you leaving me..." Minu said that with quite a sad face..

"Minu...Its because of my parents...I promise i will be back in a few years.." Y/N says with tears in her eyes.





"Y/N we will be leaving soon! Do you have everything packed!" Your Mom Screams from downstairs

"Yes Mom! I packed everything!!" You yell and take your bags downstairs

"Remember the flight will be a long one. Since we are leaving in a few minutes will be 5PM and board the plane at 6PM...So we will arrive at 8AM in the morning." Your mom explains as your dad grabs your bags and put them in the car

"Also, Minu's friends will be there, so you will have at least a lot of company." You dad says. You groan in annoyance since you hate people. You hate socializing but at least Mia and Yuna will be there.



Y/N and her parents board the plane, Y/N had the window seat and her dad in the middle of her and her mom. Y/N puts on airplane mode on her phone. She looks at her dad and noticed he's already asleep. She goes back to looking at her phone. She looks at stuff she hasn't read yet from her friends. She reads all of it and for some she replies. She puts her phone away and looks out the window as the plane leaves the airport. She puts n he earphones and listens to some music to relax herself.



"Dad wake your ass up!" You say as you shake him awake.

"Y/N don't swear!" Your mom says, after shaking your dad awake you wait for some people to leave, you guys stand up and go to the luggage wheel (idk what to call it). You grab your bags and your dad helped you. You go to the area where Minu's parents are waiting.

"Y/N! M/N! D/N! Good to see you guys! The kids are already at the camp." Minu's step mom says as she smiles and hugs us

"Good to see you again Auntie." You say with a wide smile. "Hello uncle!!" You say and hu Minu's dad.

"Hello Darling, you got bigger and taller. how has your life been in America?" Minu's dad asks as he hugs you.

"Its been alright, i missed Minu a lot!" You say with a giggle.

You guys follow Minu's parents to their car, they help us put the bags into the trunk. i get in the back with my mom and Minu's step mom.

"Y/N you will share a house with Minu and his friends. We have a separate house." Minu's dad says.

"Oh alright, may I ask, who will be there?" You ask, being very curious.

"Some kid with red hair, his name is Vinny, June, Shelly, Jay, Mia and Dom. All of them are good friends of Minu he invited." His dad says as we were on the road.

I nod as i go on my phone, i put on my data and see new messages. After 30 minutes we arrived at the house. Minu's dad helps me with my stuff, i say bye to my parents for now and go inside. Minu was sitting on the couch, he looks up and his eyes widen

"N/N...!" He yells and stands up and tackles Y/N to the ground.

"Minu!! your heavy!" Y/N says as she hugs him back Jay and the others come in from outside as they were shocked to see this.

"N/N?" Yuna yells and joins us and hugs me

"Hey! Get Minu off me." I say as she helps me up, i realize Minu's Dad was gone

I look up and notice a few people

"Uh...Hi." Y/N says as she was awkward.

"Everyone this is Y/N! My childhood friend." Minu says as he puts his arm around your shoulder













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