Chapter 10 - Missing souls

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"Released us now, father! Father, released us now! You can't trap us in here just to seal him at there. You are coward, father to scare of his threaten!" Wang shouted from the souls cage in that basement.

Century ago, Wang used that destroying spell to sacrifice herself just to save Sang and her children. But her lack of learning that spell caused her spell backfired and killed her together with her children and Sang's family members. Her father used the protection spell to protect her family members at that time. And Sang was already sealed by her father. So the destroying spell she used didn't give an effect to Sang.

Then, Wang's father used the burning spell to burn that house after her father used the spell to bring her and the dead people in that house to this souls cage. Wang knows why did her father did that to trap them in this cage. It's because they are the people that Sang cared the most. With that, Sang will not be escaped from that seal as long as their souls are here to be used to seal him. But as the years passed by, the seal almost broken because of the souls of Sang's family were used up by the seal over Sang made her father tried to find another solution without using her soul till her father met with that selfish Zhu Ming.

That old man got to know that Zhu Ming had a son who has an identical face with the daughter of a new owner of that house. So that old man sent his apprentice named Wu Lim to find out about that son of Zhu Ming. And through the investigation by his apprentice, finally he knows that son of Zhu Ming is actually the biological son of Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen. Precisely, the younger twin brother of Shen Wei.

That information gave that old man a chance to solve his problem to seal back Sang in that house without using his own daughter's soul like he used the souls of Sang's family members. So that Sang will not escape from that seal. He needed a pair of twin like Sang's children to tie the contract to guard on Sang at there. So, he caused the burning fire in that house during that family celebrated the graduation of Shen Wei on that night. He locked the door to not let them escape. He whispered to Mr. Shen to wish a help to save Shen Wei and took all the responsibility for this house burning incident.

With that, he used that chance and changed the contract of Zhu Ming with Mr. Shen. That's why Yezhun was used to replace Shen Wei instead of Zhu Ming's wife. All because of that old man's did. Since that old man needed Shen Wei for this plan, then he sealed the souls of Shen Wei's parents in this souls cage as well together with the souls of his daughter and those who supposedly his grandchildren.

"Father, you coward! Let us go! You can't do this to us!" Wang kept shouting but her father just ignored her in this souls cage made her hatred towards her father increased.

"Master," Wu Lim called his master as he came to that basement just to see Wang kept shouting with anger while the two ghost kids playing around her and another two souls are weakling near them.

"Wu Lim, I need you to check on Shen Wei. I lost her energy for these past three days. I am afraid she is sick now in that house. I can't use her energy to keep sealing Sang Zhan if she is sick. Go and check for her condition now," that old man said.

"Alright, master! I will go now. Anything you want me to do?" Wu Lim asked.

"Yes, of course. Can you find me whereabouts of Kunlun's pendant now? I can't trace it. The last I traced it about 5 months ago in that jungle. I tried to kill that guy together with that pendant to avoid that guy used that pendant to break the seal on Sang Zhan. But I lost him. I can't trace that pendant after that," that old man requested made Wu Lim frowns.

"A guy in the jungle about 5 months ago? Do you mean that dead chief of police?" Wu Lim asked as he heard about the death of police chief in the jungle after fell off from that mountain into the sea.

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