Chapter 50- M.I.A

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Jayden rips the paper from my hand, inspecting it as well. I draw my gun, shooting the man furthest away from me. "Where is he? Where did he want her fucking delivered?!" I spit.

The man now clearly shaken by my actions drops down, slowly scooting away. "You- you- you killed him."

"I only need one of you tell me where the hell my father is. Ryan, track Zaria's phone. Now. Luca get 6 body bags ready because if these fuckers don't talk I'm putting a bullet through all of their fucking skulls." I grit.

"Dagger please-" before the man can utter another word, I fire a bullet between his eyes. The immense anger I feel in this moment has me feeling more trigger happy than usual.

"And then there was 4." I turn to the other men sitting on the basement floor.

"Fucking hell! Where is this bastard?! Huh?!" Jayden slams his fist into one of the men's face. A loud crack is heard

"We don't know! Please! He just told us to get the girl. We didn't know she was with you or- or-" I shoot the man in his thigh.

"You didn't know she was with me? Do you expect me to believe that bullshit?" I grip his hair, bringing the picture to his eyes.

"You clearly see me in this fucking picture no? Yet you decided to fuck with what's mine. Not a wise decision."

"Where is he? Where is my sister? Huh? Fucking where!" Jayden snaps, repeatedly punching the man while the other closes his eyes.

"You had better tell us something. Two hot heads in a room with torture tools? This could get bloody- er." I grin as the man's eyes go wide.

"We- we don't know. The three men who delivered her might know something. I swear we don't know!" He cries.

"These three men, do they have names?" The man frantically shakes his head before naming all three men.
"Luca. Get Ryan to run a background check. Now."

"Yes boss." Luca exits the basement and I turn back to the man.

"If I find out you're lying to me, you won't like how your pathetic little story will end." I stand, wiping off some of the blood splatter. "Sorry about your friends. Not really". I kick one of the—now dead— men.

"Jayden, let's go." Jayden punches the man once more before following.

Once out of the basement, Jayden pushes me against the wall and I feel a blade against my neck. "Where is Zaria? And why the fuck did your dad ask her to be fucking delivered?!"

"You think I fucking know? Are you serious?!" I shove him off me, giving us some space.

"Your dad talks about fucking special arrangements, and then Zaria goes fucking M.I.A. Is that a coincidence?" He yells.

"The fucking special arrangements were for me to fucking get out of this marriage bullshit! I would never fucking hurt her and you goddamn know it."

"I believe you. But if anything comes out and it shows that you lied to me, best friend, boss, I dont give a fuck. For her? I will kill you."

"Stop being fucking stupid. You're wasting time." Luca bends the corner, holding a phone in his hand. "Zaria's phone was tracked to this location. It was dumped into the river."

So, the possibility of this all being bullshit is gone. Zaria is gone. Again.

"I should've listened to my fucking mom." Jayden chuckles.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I take a step towards him.

"It means I should've kept Zaria away from you. And took her home. That's what it fucking means. My mom told me having her around your crazy ass would only cause harm." He grits, taking a step towards me as well.

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