The Voices

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(Sowwy Medkit Mains hsjshwjshs, Swocket angst next)

He didn't know what he did wrong, nor what to do, he did what could keep him safe, he did what was best to do, he did what was rational at that moment

The haunting memories were always on Medkit's mind, chittering and chittering, the feeling of gooey thick blood on his hands never left Medkit's mind

The memories stayed, the moment of glancing at Subspace on the ground after he defended himself both ending with 1 eye left, though 1 suffered more than just that

The memories of having to choose between two bad and horrible choices trying to guess which will be less worse though both were as terrible and full of consequences

He found himself growing more and more resentful towards everyone around him for blaming him, dreaming him wrong and immoral for choosing something that was best for him

Was it really wrong for him too choose himself? To choose what's safe? To choose what would be better? To choose what will help him out of that situation?

It was a moment in the past he could never forget, a incident that would creep up at the back of his head at every moment he lives, a regret he can never forget

"Was what you did to Subspace necessary?"
"If I hadn't done what I did, I wouldn't be here today."

Sure, there may be still a part of him that he regrets, he wasn't sure what, maybe the large amount of damage he done that was more than he intended?

Or was it the regret he felt remembering the moment holding the strange blood corrupted crystal as Subspace was on the floor clawing at the painful hollowness on the eye Medkit stabbed as rot was already forming

Medkit did what he had to do, it was necessary, a necessary defense, maybe he was at fault too, by he would never be able to truly know

It was a simple wonder with no answers for the universe to give, He did what he needed and had to do for his own safety and survival

Yet they always hesitated as about it, questioned his act of fight to defend himself, ignored the facts of his fear and want of safety of the moment, disbelieve what was true within his situation

That Incident left a toll on Subspace and Medkit, it was something difficult to move past from, it wasn't something Medkit could just shake hands with Subspace with and ignore

It was something that Medkit required healing from, strength emotionally, and time to accept that what was done was done

What else could Medkit even do? When every other option would result into nothing but danger to him? When no one would be by his side with it?

There was no other way to escape that situation

"How's that eye doing, Meddy??"

That annoying voice was what Medkit dreaded to hear, yet somehow the looked forward to listen to it, maybe it was the curiosity luring him with the confusion on how Subspace moved on

Did Subspace moved on? Or was he stuck in a loop of confusion and uncertainty like him? Why did Subspace always have to remind him?How come Subspace could look back to the past without fear or dawning regret?

Or maybe Subspace can't? Maybe Subspace fears everyday like he does, maybe he has nightmares like he does, maybe Subspace is stuck in an endless loophole like him?

Did Subspace feel hated like he does? Maybe more than Subspace, Medkit is more likeable than Subspace, Medkit was a pleasant to be with, moments that are pleasant are more easier to enjoy

Than unpleasant moments, like Subspace, He was unpleasant to be with, horrible, and difficult to enjoy, to say Medkit is favored is an understatement, Subspace has no one, No friends, No loved ones

Those thoughts provided Medkit a bittersweet regretful satisfactory, the thought that everyone hates Subspace like him gave him a temporary closure and satisfaction

"Do I really want to work with a rebel on my team?"
"I did what was right."
"You did what benefited you and only you."

Benefit? Medkit? It was safe to say Medkit hated Ban Hammer, could that guy have anything better to do than assume?

Ban Hammer was annoying, at every match his stupid grin annoyed Medkit, the rough hands of Ban Hammer swaying the large Hammer our his shoulder like a guitar confident in winning

Sometimes Medkit wondered how is his eyes still okay after rolling his eyes over and over again every time he's in the same team selection as Ban Hammer?

Trying to heal Ban Hammer during matches was like being a blind rat, it's pointless, Did everyone really have to blame him for just wanting to do what was right?

To do what felt safe, was what Medkit did, yet everyone criticizes him for it, perhaps maybe in another universe he won't be criticized for what he had to do

If a bastard is what all they see when they look at him, is he really that bad? Why can't he just do something without it being judged?

Is really doing what was best for him just a reckless attempt of doing what benefited him and him only? Was Ban Hammer's words true that he was a rebel? Was he really a useless support? Was he really over the line and in the wrong and not Subspace? Was it all really his fault? Why can't he do anything right? Is a worthless bastard all he is? Was he actually being selfish the whole time? Why can't everything just go right?

Maybe if he was calmer at the time and didn't let rage blind him too like Subspace then everything would have been fine? Maybe if he made better choices would've he still been a bastard or less of a bastard? Maybe if he didn't leave Subspace all alone in Blackrock?




Maybe in another universe he wasn't deemed selfish and a burden for doing what felt right and what could keep him safe?

A/N: Insanity over update, I got some good food cooking up in the oven for y'all called 'Blackrock's Secret'. STEP STEP WHEELS WHEELS. (Sorry for those whose favorites are Biograft, Hyperlaser and Subspace, they ain't safe)

Extra info; I headcanon Subspace with long unkept tangled horrible pink hair, so do not be surprised when at some point I write "Subspace's full of grease tangled split ends Pink hair flows so 'elegantly' by the Cold blowing wind"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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