Three- Nico

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This had to be the most awkward thing Nico had ever done.

It was completely silent, everyone staring at each other, waiting for someone to talk. The girl with the shoulder length black hair (he couldn't remember if that was Quinn or Annie) had already finished eating, and was now scrolling on her phone, and Axel's younger sister (possibly Quinn, possibly Annie) was chewing a forkful of pasta thoughtfully. Justin and Noah were exchanging awkward glances with each other, and then Nico. Axel was sitting zoned out, twirling his fork through the pasta he hadn't touched.

When he'd agreed to eating dinner at Axel's house, he'd expected sitting in Axel's room, just the two of them, eating dinner. Not sitting at the table with the rest of his family (minus Conan, who had basketball practice) in a tight silence.

"Well." Justin clapped his hands and stood up. "I'm off to my room to finish up with that work report. Thank you for staying over, Nico." He offered a cheerful smile before smoothing his t-shirt and leaving. Axel seemed to be shoved from his trance, glancing up as Justin wandered off.

"Ah, yeah, I'm done too," the phone-sister said lazily, gesturing to her plate. "I'm gonna go to my room. Our room." She shot a frustrated glance at Noah, then at the younger sister, who smiled sweetly. Nico hadn't really felt a family atmosphere like this... ever. It was kind of nice, and he couldn't help but to smile as the older sister left.

Noah sighed softly, cracking a smile. "Sorry. Quinn's a bit antisocial. She's at that age."

"What age?" Annie asked innocently, and Axel stood up, gripping Nico's shoulder.

"C'mon. Let's go to my room."

"Manners, Axel, please," Noah sighed softly.

"Nico, let's go to my room, please."

Nico cracked a smile and gratefully jumped up, following Axel to his room as quickly as he could. He was willing to do anything to get out of an awkward dinner like that. The two of them crashed in the bedroom, Axel on the couch, Nico on the floor.

"Good god. That was hell," Nico admitted, and Axel snickered, leaning half off the couch, head next to Nico's.

"Family dinners not your thing, I'm guessing?" He crossed his arms off the side, humming a bit. "I feel you. So awkward. I'd prefer to eat in peace." The two laughed, glancing at each other. Nico's face flushed and he looked away, chuckling softly.

"Anyway..." Axel stretched, sitting back up. "Did you hear? Four more kills from that murderer in Britain. Shame, isn't it?" Nico wrinkled his nose. He couldn't understand how Axel could manage to talk about death so easily. He danced around the subject more than he wanted to admit, while Axel went straight ahead, saying what he wanted, when he wanted.

"Yeah? Who?"

"A teenage girl, college-age guy, and these two adults," he mused, grabbing his phone. "Each one killed in some gruesome way- suffocation, drowning..." He frowned, scrolling through articles. "The girl was only fourteen. Horrible." Nico pulled himself up onto the couch next to Axel, peeking at the words on his screen.

"Jeez. Whoever this killer is has some serious issues."




She ducked her head, trying to hide the inevitable smirk on her lips. She was supposed to be... sad. No, more than sad. Someone had died, she was supposed to be miserable.

Except, she'd been the one to kill them, so she wasn't, exactly.

"Masa? Is that you?"

She glanced up at the mention of her name, gazing into the eyes of That Guy.

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