Natural Light that Flares in Night

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A beautiful morning wakes up everyone.

Everyone woke up and started doing their work, but still a natural light that shimmers at night is still asleep.

"Ok now it's enough, wake up! Princess".

She woke up from her nice bed and opened her room screen, letting in the bright sunlight.

" Don't just stand there, you're already late now! Everyone is waiting, go and get ready, I prepared your blue dress as you said".

Nothing matters to her, she still takes her own time, she comes out of her comfy Buble bath and prepares herself and went to court. All eyes on her. As regular gossips filled the court, how beautiful the princess is and whomever is gonna marry her will be lucky.

" Silence! What's the commotion?". No one dares to say anything.
" Your imperial highness!" The court had begun, those who had been guilty will be imprisoned, those who had served their sentence will be left out. In her rule once an criminal is out never decides to make a crime and lives his life happily realising his mistake, she always kept her people happy always been there for them.

After the court she used to spend her time practicing her skills.

( Lunch)

"Your imperial highness, everyone is waiting for you!" Said her caretaker.

" Leave me! Go and have your lunch with others", she replied in a casual voice.

The caretaker called her once again, she turned, her eyes were cold she repeated once again " I said leave me alone, go and have your lunch with the others, leave!". The caretaker lowered her head and left.

She kept the bow and arrow aside and went towards the flower garden, she removed her comfortable cut- shoes and stepped inside the wet grass, she walked towards her small pond that her father has made for her. She sat near the pond thinking of the time, she had spent with her father.

She always used to spend a long time sitting and hearing the chirping of birds. She opens her sketch book, making her memories that her father still is alive and sitting near the pond with her. She went to the jungle and stopped by the river, in middle of the river lies a rock, she sits there and meditates until the sunset.

Before the night arrives, she returns to the castle and goes back to flower garden, she goes near the fountain and with a low voice she says" Dad! I know you're here, you always stay in my heart". Her eyes were filled with pearls.

A cold wind blew lifting up the fallen petals, she closed her eyes and when she opened her eyes she saw her father standing infront of her,
" My precious flare! Don't you worry, you not only have me but you have your mother inside you, learn as much as you can and go out of this castle and find your life!".

With trembling voice" Dad! Im afraid".

" Don't you worry! Leave your trouble to God, he will always be with you, remember, he will give trouble but will not leave those who trust him, now my flare smile, wipe those precious tears".

She wiped those tears and smiled.

(The Next Morning)

Every morning brings up something new, but her morning goes the same always. But that day was something special.

She sat in the shade of a tree hearing the birds chirping, the caretaker approached and said" Your imperial highness the King and Queen of wiheart have arrived, while practicing her skills of archery she said" Did they come alone?".
"No your highness Prince Aarush have came with them!".
"Tell the King and Queen to meet me in my room", she said in a cold voice.
The caretaker noded and left.

(In Princesses Room)

"Oh dear King and Queen of Wiheart, I welcome you with honour and respect", she exclaimed.
"My girl! I'll come to the point! You're growing up and soon or later you'll have to leave this place one day and this place will be taken in my care so...!" The king was interrupted and the princess spoke" I know that King Albert, I know my real life awaits somewhere else! Anything else to say?".
Queen smiled and said" Listen princess, we know that we are not your parents, but still we have cared and loved you! And the caretaker of here have raised you with all love and care and my point of saying all this is let us know what you're going to do?".
Princess turned towards her and said" you're blessings are enough! Please you may leave now".

The King and Queen both understood that talking to her at that point is useless, they blessed her and left, but Prince Aarush was roaming in the garden, the garden was connected with the princess room, she stood in her and looked outside, she saw prince standing in the garden and looking at her.

Both the princess and prince stood admiring them after a minute the Queen called Aarush, he left, but the princess stood and looked prince leave.

Princess looked towards the sun, she saw dark clouds approaching in the sky it seemed like something terrible was about to happen, terrible storm clouds approached, she rushed towards her court and said" Hurry and secure all the people! Make sure everyone is safe and see if they need something!".

All the soldiers who were appointed for people's safety hurried and went to the village, marketplace and town to check the people and their needs, they reported back saying that all the people are safe, the princess made an announcement that all the people must stay in their home and told her court to stay safe too.

She went to her room, looking at the sky and said" The time has arrived!".
She heard a loud noise from her court, she rushed and went to the court, she was stunned as she saw a mysterious black figure holding up one of her knight, the other knights arrived and surrounded the princess for her safety but the figure was such strong that he blew all the knights away from her, the princess stood still  it was like the wind the figure blew was nothing.

The princess in a bold voice said" Don't hurt him, just bring him back down safely!".
The figure brought the knight down and blew a dark black wind towards the princess.

She was surrounded by the black wind, she closed her eyes the moment she opened her eyes she saw complete darkness arround her.

When she turned back, she saw a girl standing looking just like her, both the girl stood admiring themselves, for some reason tears rolled down from their eyes, they both took their to the other hands to wipe the tears of the other one but suddenly a glass appeared in front of them as they touched it they saw the crack in the mirror. "Who are you?" Both questioned each other.

A bright light appeared from the mirror that made her to close her eyes. She heard a voice saying" I'll always curse your life with darkness".
"Princess" she heard a man scream.

(1 Hour Later)

She woke up and saw her caretaker sitting near her worried for her. The caretaker said" Oh princess I was worried you were unconscious for an hour, please take some more rest".

The princess then asked" what about the knight? How is he now?".
" He is fine princess! But what was that thing?", the caretaker asked.
"Call the priest! Hurry!", said the princess.
The caretaker rushed outside her room to call the priest.

The princess went and stood near her window seeing the storm and worries for her people. She thought that it couldn't be her dream after seeing that mysterious figure and wondered who was that girl? And unwilling she thought was it her dream?.

A voice from behind said" No! It's the trouble you have to face princess or I have to say princess Aurora!".

She turned back in a shock who could have just said that but of course, she found no one.

This is the story of our natural light that Flares at night! Who didn't knew about the darkness of the night!


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⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 01 ⏰

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