1.One but not the last.-Eng

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"Once upon a time, there were 5 kingdoms. Storm kingdom, Stone kingdom, Lilac kingdom, flame kingdom and the air kingdom.
Their rulers had always good relationships with one another. Until one day, when the king of the Flame kingdom decided to launch an attack on the storm kingdom, only to recieve their lands. And that did not go well, which made the ruler very furious. He went to a magician, and asked for help on how to destroy the Storm Kingdom. The king recieved a potion, which would cause him to be stronger.

And that was how chaos was created."


A short silence appeared, as the peasant mother ended the evening story.

Mommy? Was it always like this?" The young 5 year old boy asked his mom and then raised his eyebrow

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Mommy? Was it always like this?" The young 5 year old boy asked his mom and then raised his eyebrow.
The mother looked at her child. A frown appeared on her face for a moment. Just to imagine that her son never saw the world without the war brought sad emotion inside her. "No, son. A decade ago there was still peace between all kingdoms..." The woman sighed and continued speaking. "No person needed to be scared that someone could burn their homes at any moment."
The boy looked curiously at his mother, but then quickly got a bit afraid. "Will they burn our home?"
That was the question the woman did not know on how to respond. At all. "I don't know about that, son." She replied and started to tuck her son into the bed.

And suddenly, a knock was heard.

The mother became concerned and started walking towards the door. "Stay here." She told her child. With every step, she felt more and more sweat starting to drop down her face. Her breath hitched in pure fear. But she had to be strong for the little boy.
"Who is it?" The mother asked, her voice cracking.
"It's only me. Your husband." A deep voice was heard with short gasps, it sounded as if that man got wounded pretty bad, or even stabbed. "Help me."

The woman quickly opened the door, only to see her own lover laying on the ground in a puddle of blood. "John!" She called out his name in fear and worry as she quickly crouched next to him as she started to examine the wounds.
The man looked at his wife, clearly in pain. "I saw the Flame kingdom's king..." He managed to say.

The Little boy's mother's face got horrified as she realized that....

The war only would get worse in a short matter of time.

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