3.Meeting The Old Doctor-ENG

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One breath.

Two breaths.

Shadow suddenly woke up, remembering everything that has happened. She felt that she was laying on a bed, not on the ground where she remembered that she has fell off the horse. The ruler groaned in pain as she put a hand on her forehead, having some flashbacks of some traumatic days.
Then, a figure appeared. It was an old man, with a long, white beard. He was holding a book. The man was possibly a doctor of some kind. "You're lucky that I was on time." He chuckled as he sat on a chair, that was beside the bed. "If I would have not arrived, you'd have been already been paralyzed to death. Even though you are a god." He murmured as he glanced at Shadow.
"Who are you?" The woman asked as one of her eyebrows raised. "And where am I?"
The old person rubbed his beard with a grin on his face. "Pardon me that I have not introduced myself, my highness. My name is Trevor. The place where are we right now is my small home in the middle of the forest." He smiled kindly.
The woman's eyebrows raised once again. "You are not scared of the danger?"

That sentence amused Trevor.

"OF course not! Forest is a place where i have
been raised from my early years." He looked at her as he placed his book on a nightsand. "I have been studying the purple leaves for sometime, hoping to find a cure for the dying people."
The ruler got up and sat on the edge of the bed, still finding it a bit difficuilt to concentrate on the things around her. She then remembered about Knight, who has been also injured.
"What about my horse?" She asked with worry. Trevor looked at Shadow, seemingly suprised to see that this god was not selfish as he expected. "Don't worry." He said with a happy sigh. "I also treated his wounds, and took good care of him." He murmured happily. The old man seemed as if he has not had a visitor in a long time. "Want to see him?"

Was that even a question?

"Yes, of course I want to." She got up from the bed immidieatly, still feeling pain and exaustion from the overwhelming emotions after the escape from death. "Okay, well. Follow me then." Trevor said as he grabbed his cane and opened the door.

They went outside. Shadow saw a small stable, near the house and a huge garden, where she saw some vegetables growing. "Nice place." She thought. "Trevor had some interest in medicine and plants, it seems."
And then, they went inside the stable. There were about 4 stalls, with only 1 that was empty. Inside one of them was a beautiful chestnut morgan, and the second one was a raven black, huge shire that was eating food. And as they got closer to the end of the small stable, maya spotted her blue roan Ardeness. "There you are, Knight!"
The horse neighed in a happy way as he nuzzled into the woman.
Trevor looked at the stallion and the ruler reuniting once again. It was a happy sight.
"Where were you heading before you fell unconcious?" The old man asked curiously, holding his cane with a kind face. Shadow turned around as she stopped caressing the mane of the stallion. She tilted her head and sighed heavily. "I was heading to the capital of the Lilac kingdom. I am trying to get help from the queen." She murmured.
The man rubbed his beard in a thought as he raised an eyebrow. "Why not just send someone to deliver the message?" He grinned once again.
"Because I have to see her personally. I do not like sending someone to potential death or danger in such times." She murmured as she put on the Ardeness the gear and her satchel.
"As you wish. You are a kind ruler, you know?" He replied as he came towards the chestnut morgan and started grooming him with a brush. "I heard the king of the flame kingdom is not as good towards even his own people as before. It seems that the potion he drank, had very bad effects. I mean, he can get more land, but at what cost? His people will end up dying out of torture or being starved to death."
Shadow nodded slightly at the words as she was leading the blue roan horse towards the exit of the stable. "Yes...I know. He was not always like this." She frowned slightly at the memory of the last attack. "I am hoping to fix things, if that is even still possible." She said.
"I wish you the best. This war is not going to be easy. No war is." Trevor replied as he started humming some type of music quietly.
"Thank you." A small smile appeared on her face as she put her dark cloak on, and put her sword on the belt. "And goodbye."
The old man only nodded in a way of seeing goodbye.
The god decided to not disturb Trevor further. So mounted Knight, and grabbed the reigns. "Let's go, boy. There is still a lot of adventure ahead of us." She spoke with a slight grin as the big horse started trooting towards the gate.

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