Nothing gets in and nothing gets out (sneak peak)

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On the first person, Vladimir Zakhev looked at the German Polizei guarding the area, knowing the containments were coming from the building.

Zakhaev: It's its time.

On his right, the PMC called White Forest led by Gregory Marcell, wearing a mask, and night visions.

Gregory: Mask out

White Forst PMC: Roger

Vladimir Zakhaev: Light them up!

He puts on his mask and night vision, as the vehicle drives, toward the polizei, and troops engage the police the automatic turret on the car fires as they move towards the building while Zakhaev fires his SMG at the cops and runs to the alley but one soldier is shot, and move the dead body, and head to the alley to meet up with Gregory and White Forest Soldier. Back in the building, the White Forest soldier cock his shotgun at the door and kick it. Gregory moves forward and a white Forest soldier knocks on the wall checking which has a secret entrance. The soldier heard a thin wood coming from the wall, he placed C4 on the wall and they stood back for the C4 to blow up, Zakhaev got a detonator, and then...

Gregory: GO!


They went inside the secret room that was buried years ago, during WWII, from investigating the mysterious room, he saw six artifacts staches on the wall that were still active. In the main room, he sees some Requiem personnel lying dead all over the room.

Gregory: What happened to them?

Zakhaev: From my grandfather's work, Reqiuem had a conflict against Omega during the Cold War, it said about containment outbreak, he is finding the crystal that is hidden away from the world after the Cold War.

Gregory: You mean, it is more powerful than the Relic?

Zakhaev: Yes... it is.

While investigating the area, from the locker, a White Forest soldier sees a four Aetherium vial and tells the boss and Zakhaev. Zakhaev was surprised to see the four Aetherium vials were active

 Zakhaev was surprised to see the four Aetherium vials were active

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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