Chapter 28.1

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Another Scotland game....

Well not really another. Heres the short of it all. Belgium is playing the Netherlands. We are playing Scotland. All at the same time. We have to beat Scotland by an extra three goals to how ever many the Netherlands score against Belgium. If we don't, we don't have the chance to qualify for the Olympics.

You'd think this would make the whole team be shitting bricks. You'd honestly hope so. But no they were all treating it like any other game. Except for G. She looked like she was on the brink of death. I'm not sure why though. The other night she went out with her boyfriend Olly. Sweet guy love him to bits he's like the older brother I never had. Though when G got back she was crying and didn't want to talk about what happened. What I know for sure though is that they broke up. Just don't know why. Don't worry I've got Niamh making sure she is ok.

She reports to me that she lies curled up in her bed only springing up when her phone makes a noise. She rushes at the sound to only have a consistent disappointed look repaint her face. Then she drops her phone and re-curls into her original position.

As for me, I was nervous I always am. I am yet to fully represent my country but who knows today may be the day.

Katie has been slightly less consistently texting me and I haven't seen her since when she was at camp. She however, I'm told has once again been seen with Caitlin. Just told though. But my source is fairly reliable.

G's monotonous attitude slightly rubbed off on me on the bus on the way to Wembley. But hello it's Wembley how could that not brighten anyones mood. Well except Georgia.

Katie's "girlfriend" attitude turned right back on as soon I arrived.


I'm so proud of you

You're going to do so well

Thanks Katie

I'll be in the friends and family section come say hi during warm up

You there with anyone

Yeah I've got some girls from Arsenal with me


Kyra, Steph, Leah just some of the girls

Tell them I say hi

I'll see you soon



its been a fat minute

only short cause thats all i can think of for the moment

sadly we already know whats gonna happen with the game tho

NOT edited

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