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The whistle rang around us.


An impressive result. But is it enough?

The Netherlands game has a few minutes of extra time left. A few minutes till we find out if we have a chance at qualifying for the Olympics. 

Lucy scoring in the last minute gave us the last boost. Renewing our chances for the Olympics.

But even she, with all her experience can't predict the future.

I am still yet to make my Senior debut though it would have been ideal to do so as the result today was so good.

Minutes pass by as we huddle in a tight circle.

"They've scored"

Every heart in that circle drops.

I see Lucy drop to the ground nearby.

Everybody tried so hard. 

But it wasn't enough?

We are England

Euro Winners. We lost the World Cup and we didn't even qualify for the Olympics?

As the fans disperssed with a similar feeling yet not quite to the same level (sorry idk how to spell that) we made our way around the pitch. We might have lost the Olympics but we still won this game.

I come finally with G by my side to the friends and family section.

Leah is waiting with open arms for G to fall into.

It was her chance for her comeback and I know G feels guilty that she couldn't make that happen.

"Blake are you ok" Steph says leaning over the barricade embracing me in a much needed hug.

"I will be"

"I am so proud of you" Katie says taking the next turn of hugging me

"Katie I didn't play. Again." I whispered

"You were so supportive of your teammates on the bench then. For that I am proud of you" she whispered

"You're stupid" I laughed

My stomach turned a-bit at my action. Why is it she has made me laugh in such a sad moment.

"I've missed that laugh"

I hummed in response, hugging  her tighter for a moment before moving on to hug Kyra.

"You'll be ok at least now you could come watch me if I qualify"

"How exciting you must give me a jersey" I lightly smiled

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say don't go - katie mccabeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora