Chapter 4- Mama Jo's

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As we walk to the car it's silence, no arguing, no banter just silence. I don't want to start a conversation and neither does Sebastian so we just don't.

Once we make it to the car he opens the door for me and I get into the passenger side of his unfortunately very familiar car.

He steps into the other side of the car and sits down in the seat.

His chair is pushed quite a lot back because of his long legs.

He puts the keys in the ignition to start the car, sets the vehicle into gear and then we're off.

It is really awkward. And I think Sebastian can sense this so he puts some music on.

The first song that plays is 'I wanna be yours' by the Arctic Monkeys.

I start laughing. I can't help it. It's just the fact that Sebastian, who is probably the fanciest man I have ever met, listens to Rock music.

I try to hide my laughter but it appears to be unsuccessful as from beside me I hear, "What's so funny?"

"It's nothing." I respond.

"No, seriously tell me what's so funny ."

I heave out a sigh. "Fine, I don't know why but when the song started playing I found it hilarious. It's just you are literally the poshest, classiest man that probably exists and you listen to Arctic Monkeys, I was expecting Mozart or something."

"So you are saying that just because I have a good stature I can't have a good music taste."

"I don't mean it like that, I just wasn't anticipating this."

"I'm sure that there's a lot of things about me you didn't expect."

Secrets I have held in my heart, Are harder to hide than I thought.

I look at him thoughtfully for a moment. "Yeah, I'm sure there is."

When I thought the discussion was over he says "Also, for your information, I do listen to Mozart as well and Beethoven, you should give classical music a go."

I think about it for a moment. "Maybe I will."



I just wanna be yours, wanna be yours.
I just wanna be yours, wanna be yours.

I lean against the window listening to the last lyrics of the song.

As if to prove the point of our discussion, the song that comes on instantly afterwards is Symphony No.41 by Mozart.

I look over to Sebastian and he looks at me at the same time, smirking and shaking his head, before turning back to the road.

A couple of minutes later when the song ends as if it is perfectly timed to embarrass me, my stomach growls.


I have to admit I am really hungry. I haven't ate today because I was thought I was going to be late to work and didn't have breakfast. Then at lunch I was marking test papers so that I could give them back to the class next period, so I didn't end up getting food.

Sebastian obviously heard my stomach growl because he glanced over at me for a couple seconds then sighed.

He then made a right turn which was definitely not the way to my flat.

I look at him confused then say, "What are you doing ? My flat is the opposite way."

"I know." Is all he responds with.

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