Chapter 3- Late

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It is currently 4:30pm and I am still waiting at the Geography office for Sebastian.

He's late.

Which is extremely annoying because all I want to do is go home and have a very calm, relaxing bath after this long day.

And also just get this first drive out of the way and then rest will be easy. I hope.

But mainly the first reason.


As soon as the time on my phone hits 4:31pm I stand up, intent on finding that man.

I walk around looking for him, till I remember to probably go and look in his classroom.

Which is very inconvenient because for some reason it's separate from the rest of the history and geography classrooms.

Isn't my life just great.

I go through the doors and round the corridor to see his classroom.

As I walk closer to the doors, I hear voices.

One of them I definitely recognise as Sebastian but the other...

I am sure I have never heard that voice before.

Getting closer I can depict some of the words being said.

"I know but what do you expect me to do?" Sebastian says in a sort of frustrated tone.

"I don't know! Okay, but please can you figure something out?" The voice of a woman says, pleading with him.

"Just give me some time, then I'm sure i can-"

They are suddenly interrupted by the sound of my holographic water bottle falling out of my coat pocket.

I scramble to pick up bottle, hoping that by some crazy, unlikely chance they did not hear the clanging sound of the bottle fall to the floor.

As I bend down to pick it up the door opens and Sebastian looks at me with a shocked look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" He questions suspiciously, staring down at me.

I put the water bottle back in my pocket, making sure to zip it up this time. Then I turn to look at him.

"You said we were leaving at 4:20 and at the moment it is..." I look to my phone. "...4:35pm."

"Oh, I apologise I didn't notice the time, I was busy."
He announces.

Just as he finishes saying that, the woman he was speaking to comes out the room.

She is really pretty. She has medium length curly red hair and green eyes which match her tanned skin.

She hesitantly smiles at me, probably wondering if I heard their conversation.

I clear my throat to try and diffuse some of the awkwardness in the air. It's so thick it would break a knife if someone tried to cut it.

"Hi, I'm Ellis." I say to try and end the silence.

"I'm Alisha, the new history teacher here, Seb and I-umm I mean Sebastian and I were just discussing my new schedule." She states, obviously lying but not wanting to start anything I just nod and turn to Sebastian, who has been silent through this entire encounter.

He looks at me, then turns to Alisha saying " I'll speak to you tomorrow, goodbye."

After Sebastian says that he beckons for me to follow him then saunters away like this whole peculiar conversation never happened.

I have to practically jog to match his pace.

Why does he walk so fast?

And very determinedly like he always has places to be.

Well I guess he does if he's walking somewhere but you get what I mean.

When I finally manage to 'walk' next to him, I say "What was that?"

He doesn't even glance at me when he says "It's nothing."

I almost snort at his response. "Well it obviously wasn't."

He abruptly turns to me looking at me through his light brown eyes. "I can assure you, there is nothing for you to worry about, so leave it be."

I want to protest but I can see that we're going nowhere with this so I do as he asks and I leave it be.

As I walk next to him down the corridor, I see one of my students from 9X2, Marla and her friend Elizabeth. They probably just finished an afterschool club.

Marla glances over at me and then furrows her eyebrows when she sees  'Mr Bates' she seems to come to some sort of realisation in her brain because she then gives me that same look from earlier and then turns to Elizabeth saying something. Then they both glance at us and burst into a fit of giggles.

Sometimes I wonder why I became a teacher.

"Before we leave I have to go grab something from my desk in the history office." He states plainly.

I scowl when I hear him call it the history office.

"It's the geography office." I counter pettily.

"To me it's the history office." He says with a smirk.

"Well it is the geography office."

"Are you sure about that?" He asks.

I narrow my eyes at him and scoff.

Probably wanting to end this debate he finally decides. "Let's just agree to disagree."

"Whatever." I say quietly.

We arrive at the history office where he goes to his desk in the far corner of the room.

I watch him attentively as he reaches for his bottom drawer and opens it with a key he must have took out of his pocket.

He then takes something out I can't see because his body is covering it, looking back at me he then slips it into his pocket.

I decide not to ask him anymore questions after what happend today, even though I'm practically bursting at the seams with curiosity.

He can most likely tell I am very intrigued about what it is he had under lock and key but still resolves to leave me without any answers.

I hate being in silence for too long so I ask him "Do you remember where I live?" I don't say the words 'after the last time he was there' but I think he still gets the message as he says.

"Of course I do."

And with that we walk out the building and to his car.

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