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I blushed as I heard Ono calling me and looked up as he said Kion it's Janja and his clan." I blushed and thought great he's probably here to  claim his rightful breeding bitch promised all those years ago. I sighed and said I'll take care of it  just tell the others to keep an eye on the rest of the PrideLands. Ono frowned and said but kion you shouldn't go alone. I sighed and said it's fine he won't hurt me besides I can always call you if I need you. I sighed and walked away and smiled as I spotted  Janja sitting on flat Ridge rock flanked by Cheezi and  Chungu. I blushed as I walked up and froze as he noticed me and growled you've been a bad bitch Kion. I blushed and pinned my ears back and said I know it's just getting harder and harder to get away from the lion guard. He frowned and said, "That's no excuse you belong to me." I blushed as I felt Cheezi and Chungu move to flank me and swallowed as Janja  said as punishment for failing to bring me your ass this morning when I called you. You're going to have to suffer punishment. I blushed as Janja growled and shoved me into submission and crammed his entire  cock deep into my ass stealing my innocence and claiming my first. I blushed and groaned in discomfort as I felt his cock sink all the way into my color and blushed as he growled marking me over his father's mark and began rutting me making me urinate from submission and the pressure of his cock in my rectum. I blushed as I felt my crotch begin to respond to the pleasure of Janja pounding my prostate and being mated. I froze and started to panic as I heard the guard coming. I blushed and frowned as I said, "Stand down, he's *moan* doing exactly what I've been meant to do from the very beginning. I blushed and moaned as I felt myself climax causing Janja to snarl and rutt even faster, hitting my prostate dead center snarling as he climaxed into my ass sealing my servitude as Janja's breeding bitch. I blushed as Janja laughed and said, "Tell me whom your master is. I blushed and moaned you are. you're my master. I blushed as Janja pulled out of my ass and said right now tell them. I blushed and turned to face the guard and blushed seeing my parents as well. I sighed and blushing heavily and said, I am Janja's mate it is and was arranged by his parents and myself after Father abandoned me in the outlands as a cub. I swallowed as father growled and said that's how you got away? You sold yourself to the Hyenas? I nodded and said I have been  feeding and providing Sustenance to them ever since today was the conclusion of that deal now that Janja has claimed his prize I have paid my dues however I will not turn from him as his Mate.

Janja's DominanceWhere stories live. Discover now