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I growled as I witnessed my father running from the Hyenas with Kiara, leaving me behind and in a cage. I frowned as he looked back for only a brief moment with a look of deep regret and walked away. I frowned and turned to face my captors. I sighed and hung my head and said it's clear to me," Now where I rank with my father. If I help you, will you agree to let me go. I smiled as Shenzi and Banzai glanced at each other, then looked back at me and said, "How can you assist us?" I frowned and looked down at my feet and said my parents trust me and know I wouldn't turn on them if you let me go I won't harm them but I will bring you food and serve as a slave for your son. Shenzi smirked and said no you won't be a slave as our son was born to be too submissive to control another. I frowned and said OK but I swear to serve as a vessel of food."" Banzai cackled and said, "You would willing degrade your so-called pride to mate with a hyena and serve as a provider for our clan?" I nodded and said if you don't believe me, then I offer you the opportunity to enslave me, turning around so my rear is toward Banzai." I blushed as I felt a warm breath against my exposed rectum and blushed, expecting to get mounted. I froze as Banzai snorts and said I believe you you shall be an honorary hyena and serve as a breeding Dom for Janja however I demand that you remain pure just incase my boy grows up to be the alpha male we hope he is. I nodded and said OK how would you ensure that I have remained pure?"" Banzai growled and bites my shoulder, hard sinking his fangs into the muscle, leaving a deep mark, and said, "When my son reaches maturity, he will mark you over my mark and claim your innocence rather by dominant actions or submission. I swallowed and nodded, knowing full well every pride member would assume me violated and therefore unworthy to mate. I smiled as Shenzi released me and said, "Be back here at sunrise with sustenance or we will come for you in full force. I nodded and said I will return on my honor and pride as a lion should I fail. You may have your retribution in the form of my life and innocentce. She nodded and said, "Run along. I suspect your old man regrets his poor choice. I nodded and took off, heading back to Pride Rock and frowned as I walked up to my father and said thanks for nothing father and ran off "fake bawling " about having been raped and losing my innocence. I sighed and slept in the Lair, getting up about an hour before sunrise and left hunting down and killing a gazelle and a zebra, dragging it to my meeting place where Shenzi stood and said well done. I smiled and said I got you plenty because I don't know if I will be able to sneak away later. Shenzi nodded and said, "Thank you now that you've proven reliable it's time you met your future mate. I nodded and followed her to her den and froze as I saw Janja standing behind banzai and said uhm hey. He blushed and said hey. I smiled and said, "Have you ever playfought before? Janja nodded and said yeah. I smiled and tackled him and blushed as I must have triggered some form of dormant dominance and was quickly pinned with Janja snarling in my face growling yield cub. I blushed and smirked as I pretend to surrender and smiled as he let me up only to get tackled a second time which ended with him standing on my shoulder and growling in frustration. I blushed and watched as he sneered you will surrender or I will make you! I gulped as he placed a paw on my throat restricting movement and breathing. I blushed as I panicked and urinated out of fear and total submission. I blushed as he smirked and said good now tell me who's your alpha. I blushed and said you are. I blushed as he nodded and said don't you forget it bitch I may be submissive to my parents and their friends but you are mine and will do as I want got it? I nodded nervously and said uh you're not going to breed me are you? He smirked and said not today but I am going to drowned your scent in mine. I blushed as I watched as Janja urinated covering me in his alpha scent permanently marking me as his territory. I blushed as Shenzi watch in absolute jot seeing her descendant dominanate a lion. I blushed and smiled as he smirked and said, "Now run along. I suspect your parents will be looking for you."

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