Chapter 9: Silence glowing in the dark.

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After some time the horses gradually slowed until they halted indefinitely. The doors to the carriage were opened by the caretakers. Freedom grabbed his bag and stepped out into the light.

The trees sang in the wind, glittered by dew drops of the late night mist. Birds seem to rule here as they're choirs seemed endless. Too the far north on the horizon past the flatlands rested a shimmering lake, and to the west. Was the past.

"So, calming." He said out loud as he turned his gaze to the mountains. Chuckling at it's shear size and the sense of dominance it had.
"We should be off Bell." Jamie said as she hoisted her bag on her back.
He looked at her and nodded.

"Before we go." He looked at the caretakers from lightless preparing for the journey.

"I wish to thank the two of you for all you've done as well as Janet. I apologize for having yo make you defy orders, but I need to proceed further without any ties from the past." He said with a nervous smile on his face.

"Are you certain Lord Freedom?" Asked one it the two.
"I am certain, please give Janet my regards." He bows his head and turn's away.

The two stare at them leave for the next few moments as they approach the mountain.
"It seems Lady Janet was correct. He ended up going on his own with that woman." Said one of the caretakers.
"Yes, but what of is, though I trust in Lord Freedom's abilities. That woman who holds distain towards us. How will she impact on his growth."The other replied.
"You make a decent point. But it's out of my hands, all we're capable of is asking Annales for his protection."
The two rode off too the west once again, returning to Orderon.

"They actually left, how strange." Jamie thought to herself as she walked towards the mountain path leading to the cave.

"This way Bell. You see that little path right there." She points. "That's our way to the cave."
"It's a small path for something so significant. Are u certain it's that one." He asked.

"You question my knowledge?"
A brief silence came about them. Followed slight chuckles from both sides.
"Alright then let us be off." He said, walking towards the path.

They reach the steps leading upward. Bell jumps up them excitedly and looks down at her. She takes one step, and suddenly the ground starts shaking, gradually growing in size and strength. The trees began to sway and the birds grew restless fleeing too the skies for safety. Jamie grabbed his hand and latched onto a tree. Her gaze slowly raising to the mountain. Her eyes growing at what she's seeing. n overwhelming presence, that keeps growing larger and larger by the second. It has no end and exudes it's size over all. Making anything else look insignificant in comparison, this place truly deserved to be called. "The Wall."

"The mountain! It's growing!" She exclaimed.

Jamie stared at it in fear. Her hand to her chest and a pale expression.
"I can't breathe. I, can't. Run, RUN." She thought hatefully and just as she was about to run. She felt her body become light she looked down, seeing pink flowing strands as she fixed her glasses. Her feet left the ground and after a few moments the shaking halted and re mountain grew stagnant again.

"What just happened to her? She just began flailing around." He thought to himself as she collapsed on his back.

The land was still and no noise was heard but the speaking wind. Her body twitches and she groans, breathes softly into his ear.
"She seems to be breathing steadily. That's good. She must've collapsed from fear by the look of it. Reminds me of the way new followers of Lightless look when they're undergoing training. I should stop near the cave and let her rest." He thinks to himself as he took his first steps with her.

He held her tightly to his back and walked up the steps slowly taking in the scenery. There was no houses, no people. No neighing choirs, no receptions. No training, no reading. Just new. He smiled at seeing open fields and enjoyed this feeling he had.
"This is so, strange I believe would be the correct word." He said to himself as he approached the final step.

Infront of him was a massive hole in the side of the mountain. And to shock had  a paved walkway to the inside. In the back the cave was a gentle flicker of light. Visible from even the outside. But no people to be seen. Perplexed by this Freedom entered the cave slowly watching his step and staying close to the walls of the cave. The light grew closer as Freedom neared, before he turned the corner. He glanced back at the outside world one last time before he bid it farewell.

He sighed heavily and walked forward, turning the corner.

He was astonished to see the inside. The darkness of this cave was nowhere to be seen. Vanquished by light emanating from the plant life. The colors vibrant and bright, dancing off the walls and droplets. He scoffed in awe and laughed at the sight of it. He rushed forward wanting to see more. But then stopped in his track's.
"I shouldn't go any further. Not with her like this." He said to himself.

He placed her on the floor near a glowing mushroom. Placing her bag at her head.
"She might get cold from the ground." He thought as well.
"I could use this."
He slowly took out his robe and laid it out over her.

He sat down next to her and waited patiently for her to wake.
"These glasses, do fit her rather well."
He placed her glasses in his pocket.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 12 ⏰

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