Chap1, Again?

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Takemichi pov
Talking: " "
Thinking: TT

After dying again, Takemichi opens his eyes, he's back in his classroom on his desk, leaning his head on it, he could careless on what day it is and what would happen

I'm back again, I hate it why do I have to be back, I wish I can just be distracted by something so I don't remember all my failures...

I got up it didn't matter if my teacher was telling me to sit down, I walked out of class and went to the rooftop, I leaned on the rail looking down thinking on what coping method I could use to make me stop thinking about everything for at least a couple minutes or more,

Maybe I could drink? No...I tried it last time it didn't help at all I just acted like a fool and passed out multiple times, maybe painting, no I'll just get angry at every mistake I makes, maybe reading? No its too boring and I can never focus

Maybe music can help? No it's boring like a book, music also tells story's if you think about it, because they're always singing about something, fighting? No since I'm in my middle school body I'm to weak to really do any damage to anyone and training takes a long time

Maybe smoking? No that doesn't work either it is calming and good but, I just end up getting aggressive and annoyed more, and it's a hassle because it affects my breathing, and if I end up getting addicted to it again, chocolate won't cover up that I smoke and my mom will get mad at me

Clubbing? No it's annoying to get in and Hina won't be happy, she'll just beat me up, and if I go home...I haven't been home in a long time..

I wonder how Hana is doing, people call me Hana sometimes, and sometimes I don't respond since it's my sister's name, our parents liked naming us with names that were almost the same, I even have a mother sister named Michi

Will most likely post on weekends if im not tired I'll post on weekdays
Byeeee my cuties😘😘😘

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