#1 Zombie vs silas

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I sat there thinking about the nightmare I had the night before not wanting to tell the guys about how much it had bothered me the whole day not even realizing I was chewing on my bottom lip.
"Oy trouble get that bottom lip out of your mouth before I have to spank you" Gabe said looking at me through narrowed eyes.
My eyes widened as I looked away blushing.
"Sang baby is there anything wrong?" North asked walking over to me to sit down next to me
"No I'm just a little tired is all"
"Do you want to lay down and get some sleep?" He asked looking sincere.
"No I think I'll be fine can we watch a movie?"
"Yeah let's watch a zombie movie!" Nathan said enthusiastically.
"Is that okay princess?" Victor asked the fire churning In his eyes.
" yeah" I said forcing a smile
"Okay!!" Nathan said putting the movie in
"Sang baby come sit on my Lap" north said patting his leg as I moved over to him to sit on his lap
"Aww you always sit on norths lap" Luke complained
"I'll sit on yours next time" I promised Luke while looking around noticing that Gabriel and Nathan had disappeared as the movie started making me sigh.
"Trouble come here a second" Gabriel called from the other room.
Walking over to Nathan's room I noticed that the light was out and it was quiet, what are they planning? I asked myself as I walked into the room.
"Boo!!" Nathan screamed dressed up like a zombie with rotting flesh making me scream and run to the only room only to run into something tall and buff.
"Oomph" I muttered as I fell back on my butt.
"Aggele are you okay?" Silas asked helping me up.
"No meanie and honey scared me" I said with a pouty face
" I'll take care of them" Silas said glaring at Gabriel from behind me then running into the room to fetch the guys.

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