"You good with that?" Ben directs his question to me.

"I'm comfortable with that, but only as long as we do our due diligence to still try to find him."

I only agree because having been through every inch of this house and the surrounding property, the chances of someone getting in unnoticed are slim to zero. Plus, thanks to the panic room Owen had installed on the 2nd floor, Emilia and the girls can quickly be whisked to safety while Nero and I go on the hunt. Shy of a militia storming through our front gate, anything else we have an answer for.

"How's it going with Mason?" I ask, purposely not mentioning her ex by name. The less I know about the asshole, the lesser the chance I'll end up in prison convicted of murder.

"He's still on mission. They're working together but apart. Mason's orders are to keep his distance, so we stay off the radar of whoever's after Creed. The last thing we need is one of our own getting caught between the crosshairs of whoever's trying to take him out, or god forbid getting picked up by whichever of the federal alphabet soup agencies gets to Creed first."

"If you guys are good, any objections to me dropping off? I have a shit ton of stuff to work through this morning," Owen proposes.

After looking at me for confirmation, Ben affirms. "Yeah, you're good. Thanks, Owen."

When he hangs up, Ben makes no move to get up. Instead, he sits back in his seat, looking over me like he's assessing. By now I know the drill, and though I'm not in the mood for a heart-to-heart, I know staying and confronting his concerns head-on is the only way he'll back off.

"Look, I know I was a little out of it today, but it doesn't mean my head isn't in this. I know what's at stake and I'm more committed than ever to keeping them safe. There's just a lot going on right now."

"Like what? Whatever's getting in the way of you doing your job, it behooves you to tell me what that is right now."

"Let me clarify something for you, Ben. What we're protecting her from, that's the fucking job and the only thing I'm responsible for sharing with you. Anything outside of that, including what goes on between us, is none of your business. So fuck off. I already told you all you need to know."

"Lucas...." He leans forward, his hands clasped together on the table. "I'm talking to you as your boss, not your friend. If something is going on between the two of you that affects the decisions she makes or the advice that she follows, you need to tell me now. You're not the only one who cares about her. If there's even a tiny chink in her trust for you or anyone on this team, it could mean the difference between life and death."

He's right. Her trust in me and the team is paramount. It's why I tell her every move we make, why I share any little bit of intel we get. So she feels informed and trusts I'll always tell her the truth. That way, when I say it's time to move, she'll do it quickly and without question.

"You're right. I'm sorry. But I assure you it's nothing that could impede my job or her safety."

"Stop hedging Lucas. I need to know where your head's at. Tell me the truth, or I'll bring Dominick in to take over as lead."

"It's nothing like that." I defend, my mind spinning as I debate how much I'm willing to share. It's not that I don't want Ben to know what's going on, but that putting a voice to what my gut is telling me, gives it a semblance of truth I'm not yet ready to face. "Things are just a little off. It started right after that horrible dinner with her mother and Harold five days ago. Since then she's been more anxious and stressed than usual, and because of it, she hasn't been feeling well."

"Wait, so she's sick?"

"No, I mean," I shake my head, not entirely sure how to explain it. "She hasn't been feeling well. She thinks it's from stress, which given the circumstances, makes perfect sense. But there's also this sadness about her. And when I ask her how she's feeling, or what's making her so upset..." I breathe out a frustrated sigh, running a hand over my face as I struggle to keep my emotions in check.

"My gut is telling me something is wrong, but when I bring it up she tells me she's okay. She's lying to me, and you know what a shit liar she is." Shaking my head, I attempt to swallow around the lump in my throat. "Whatever it is, she's determined to keep it from me. We even had our first fight last night. It was over something stupid, just her venting her frustration because she can't leave the house, but I could tell it was about so much more than that. There is something major bothering her, but how am I supposed to help if I can't get her to tell me what's going on inside her head?"

"The number one thing I've learned from your sister is that women are complicated. Often, they don't tell us what's wrong because they themselves haven't a clue. They're much more complex, intelligent, and intellectual than we are. Add that to their capacity to understand, interpret, and experience deep emotion, and it's no wonder they sometimes can't tell why they feel out of sorts.

"My advice, be her sounding board. Keep asking, keep showing up, keep reminding her how much you love her. Encourage her to talk it out, or just sit quietly and hold her when talking is the last thing she wants. Women can be difficult, and exhaustingly complicated. But when they finally come apart in your arms and give you that final glimpse of what's in their heart, I'm telling you, there is no better feeling," he smiles. "Keep at her, but be patient. Love her, but be firm. Most of all, make it clear you'll never give up wanting to be there for her because there is nothing in this world more important to you than her."

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Author's Note:

More trouble is brewing for our fearless group, and I only hope cutting back on the amount of bodies they have to protect Embree and the girls doesn't come back to bite them.

What do you think of this chapter and what you learned? Do you think Lucas and the team are making the right choice?


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