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Bowser's POV
Kamek brought Luigi in my throne room. What's the deal with everyone bringing me Luigi? It's not my fault that I'm attractive.

At least, that's what I kept telling myself.

"So, how was your time with the kids?" I asked as Luigi sat down on the top step. "Fun, alittle hectic at first," Luigi said, "but they'r asleep." I looked at Luigi in shock.

"How did you manage to put them to sleep?" I asked. "I planned out who wants to play first," Luigi explained. "Well, I want to thank you. For spending time with the kids," I thanked him.

Luigi smiled at me,"You're welcome." Those eyes. Those amazing blue eyes. Suddenly, I felt nauseous. I quickly stood up and ran out of the throne room.

Luigi's POV
What just happened? Why did Boswer ran out like that? Kamek walked in the throne room.

"Why did Lord Boswer run out of here? It's looks like he saw Boos," Kamek laughed.

"Boos?" I asked. "They're ghosts," Kamek said. My eyes went wide eyed. "G...G... Ghosts?" I asked. "I guess you never saw one. I don't think you ever met their king," Kamek said as he sat down next to me. "Who's their king?" I asked.

"King Boo," Kamek answered. How ironic. I just wish I knew why Bowser ran off like that," I said. "I doubt he'll say anything," Kamek said. I sighed at looked up at the ceiling. "I think I better go. My brother must be worried about me," I said.

"I'll escort you...again," Kamek laughed. He took me to the doors. He told me how to head back to the mushroom kingdom.

I thanked him and walked home.

You're my Romeo (Bowuigi)Where stories live. Discover now