The Story Of The 8th Archon

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For many different reasons,first off she was intelligent,too intelligent for a kid who didn't go to school,She was beautiful,too beautiful for a girl who always got in fights,She was Powerful,Too powerful for a child of 10.

She had lived in a small town where everyone knew her as someone who was too perfect for words,She was pretty,like the stars aligning in the night,she was strong even without her powers,like a boar,she was powerful,LIKE AN ARCHON.

Her family always was thought to be a happy one,one without flaws,but like the saying goes,IT WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.The Family was a like the dragonspine mountain,it just kept going down.

It was a family of four,herself,her twin brother,her mom and father.Their parents always fought until,IT HAPPENED.

Their was a huge war,THE ARCHON WAR,It was the day she found out that her mother was,AN ARCHON,No one knew she was an Archon,They didn't even find out what Archon she was but she died at war.

Her Daughter ran to her and let out the loudest cries that all of her town could hear,her mother had gave her all the power she had left and told her she would be the new Archon,before her daughter could ask of what she died that night on cold hard dirty floor in the dirt.

She fought year after year until finally it ended,but everyone she knew and cared about had died,EXCEPT FOR THE ONE SHE CALLED BROTHER.

She told herself,one day,someday,in the dark or lightest of days,in years or in months that one day she would find her brother.

Days after she became an Archon,their were BIGS CHANGES IN HER.

She had grown spider legs on her back,a longer tongue, her brown hair went white with strands of black,her eyes were now black,her nails grew long,her teeth went sharp,she also once accidentally found out she now has black blood.


From each of her eight legs she would shoot webs but the webs weren't white like normal webs,they were black,they had a magic aura on them.

From her hands she could shoot some magic just like the other elements,but it was black and she didn't know what to even call the element,she could bring spiders from her hands,white spiders,her teeth shot poison,the poison that came from her was red like the blood of a normal person,she could even have webs come from her feet.

Though her power was not her only weapon,HER WORDS,LOOKS AND BRAINS COULD BE JUST AS LETHAL.

Though she would trade it all for her brother back,She found moonlit nights strangely empty because when she called his name through them,THERE WAS NO ANSWER.

She was as lonely as the spider pin in her hair,she yearned for the stars to make a path that would lead her to her twin brother.


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