I turned to Jesse, trying to still my panic. "Yeah, whatever you say."

He spent the next hour trying to calm me down and distract me in any way he could. It was hardly working when he turned to me with a smirk.

"I'm surprised you never asked me about something."

My brow furrowed as I looked at him. "Asked you what?"

His smile widened. "What my MC nickname is."

Okay, wasn't expecting that. "Isn't it J, or Jes, or Hey Asshole?"

Jesse laughed. "The last one is my dad's favorite. But no, it's none of those."

"Then what is it?" I asked, now very curious. I hardly knew any of the other guys by their given names, just their MC tags. But Jesse didn't have one, or so I thought.

"It's pretty raunchy," he informs me.

I rolled my eyes. "Is it really?"

"Bad enough the guys refused to use it."

"Didn't they give it to you?" I asked.

Jesse shakes his head. "Nah. Before they came up with one, I had already been given a winner... By the ladies."

I barked out a laugh. "Okay, seriously. What nickname could they have given you that's so bad a biker gang won't call you by it?"

I watched as he licked his lips. "You really can't guess?"

He hit me with a salacious smile when I shook my head, and leaned toward my ear. He whispered the name, making my eyes widen and sending a surprising jolt to my nether regions.

"Oh my God!" I yelled, slapping him in the side. "What the fuck! Why didn't the MC give you a new nickname? That one is raunchy!"

Jesse laughed as he gave me a sexy smirk. "Oh, they tried, but none of them could compare to that one. So, I kept shooting them down."

"You can do that?"

He shrugged. "I did."

That made me laugh. "Jesus. No wonder they didn't want to call you by your nickname."

"Some did for a little while. Until they learned what it meant." He was laughing now as I lost it.

Between fits of laughter, I choked out. "Who the hell didn't know what that meant?"

Jesse started to calm down. "I was sworn to secrecy."

After that, I was more relaxed. The looming cloud of war was still on my mind just a bit less daunting thanks to Jesse. There were only a handful of patrons left inside. And thanks to the shockwave of arousal Jesse's confession sent to my core, I was wound tight and ready to spring.

So, I decided to take a quick break. Maybe Jesse would be interested in joining me. I could thank him for helping get my mind off everything... I slowly ran my fingers down Jesse's arm as I sauntered away.

"Hey! Where you goin'?" He called after me.

"Takin' a break," I told him, "in the storage room..." I knew there was one thing that would definitely get my mind off an impending biker war. I just needed a willing partner.

After Jesse took the time to calm me down and share his secret nickname with me, I figured he deserved a reward. All the energy I had pent up needed a release. And I knew just how I wanted to do it.

I saw his eyes turn dark as he yelled to the other bartender, "Hey, takin' a break. You good solo for a few?"

He barely waited for an answer before hurdling through the door behind me. His lips met mine feverishly as we stumbled between the shelves to the back wall. We both knew the score. This was just sex. Hot, dirty, fast- just enough to get the blood flowing and distract us from our heavy conversation earlier.

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