Chapter 9

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As Maya, Belle, Beast, and Gwendolyn continued their journey toward Lumina, Gwendolyn's news of the curse receding from her kingdom filled their hearts with a mix of relief and anticipation. With this newfound hope, they pressed forward, their determination shining through their weary faces.

As they ventured through the fields, they stumbled upon a meadow of enigmatic plants, their vibrant colors a stark contrast against the dimming twilight. Maya, drawn to their exotic allure, approached with a mix of caution and curiosity.

"These plants are unlike any I've ever seen," Maya remarked, reaching out to touch the delicate foliage. "I wonder what secrets they hold."

Belle and Gwendolyn joined her, their eyes alight with wonder as they examined the unusual flora. The Beast, too, seemed intrigued by the plants, his keen senses drawn to the tantalizing scent that wafted through the air.

Suddenly, the Beast's eyes lit up as he spotted clusters of ripe berries nestled among the leaves. With a delighted roar, he bounded forward, his excitement palpable as he plucked the berries from their branches.

"These berries are a rare delicacy," the Beast exclaimed, his voice tinged with excitement. "They say these berries possess magical properties that can restore strength and vitality," the Beast exclaimed, his voice tinged with excitement.

With a shared sense of purpose, the group began to gather the berries, their hands working in harmony. As the Beast indulged in the berries, his companions watched with a mix of concern and curiosity. However, their initial relief at finding sustenance quickly turned to dread as they witnessed a change come over him.

At first, the Beast seemed to swell with vitality, his eyes brightening and his movements becoming more animated. But soon, a strange lethargy began to overtake him, his once-powerful frame growing weak and unsteady.

Belle rushed to his side, her heart pounding with fear as she gently shook him, trying to rouse him from his stupor. "Beast, what's happening?" she cried, her voice filled with anguish.

But the Beast could only groan weakly in response, his strength ebbing away as he sank into a near-comatose state. Maya and Gwendolyn, their faces etched with worry, rushed to his aid, their hearts heavy with concern and their minds racing to understand what had gone wrong.

"It must be the berries," Maya exclaimed, her voice trembling with concern. "They're not what we thought they were. They've drained him of his strength instead of replenishing it."

Gwendolyn nodded grimly, her brow furrowed with worry as she surveyed the Beast's limp form. "We must find a way to help him," she declared, her voice filled with determination. "We cannot afford to lose him now, not when we're so close to breaking the curse."

As despair threatened to overwhelm the group, a small voice pierced through the darkness, drawing their attention to the source. Thumbelina's diminutive figure perched delicately on one of the nearby plants, her presence like a beacon of hope amidst the gloom.

"It's Belladonna," Thumbelina called out, her voice soft but urgent. "You see, Belladonna is a perilous plant," Thumbelina began, her voice tinged with caution. "It's a toxic perennial herbaceous member of the nightshade family. That's why it has flourished so much across the land."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "The leaves and berries of Belladonna pack a powerful punch. Ingesting even a tiny bit can send you spiraling into delirium, complete with hallucinations and other nasty effects."

As Thumbelina's words settled over the group, a heavy silence fell, punctuated only by the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze. Maya's brows furrowed with concern, her gaze flickering between the wilted form of the Beast and the ominous plants surrounding them.

From the Shadows - An ONC 2024 NovellaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora