Kimmy's First Court Hearing

Start from the beginning

Eventually, after a fifteen-minute wait, the Dooley case was called. Ben, Kayla, Mr. O'Reilly, Zach's foster dad, and Kimmy followed everyone inside the courtroom and took a seat in the back together. There was another brief wait for the judge to enter while nothing but papers being shuffled could be heard.

Kimmy had been invited by Susan to come sit with her at her desk. She declined, wanting to sit with her foster parents and teacher instead. The room wasn't like the courtrooms on TV. This one was much smaller, and there were more desks to sit at than benches, where Kimmy, foster parents, and teacher sat.

The judge arrived shortly and took his seat at the highest table, facing the rest of the courtroom. He was older like Leonard, with oval, black-framed glasses. His thin hair was white like Santa's, but his matching beard was shaven and combed nicely on his face.

The hearing began with roll call. Everyone took a turn stating who was there and their title. Everyone was expected to speak for the record. So things got stalled when they reached Kimmy. With some encouragement from her foster parents and teacher, and a deep breath like Ben was doing in the jeep, Kimmy mustered the courage to say her name. It was soft and mousey, but audible enough to be accepted and move on to the next person. Seeing Ben also struggle anxiously before her turn helped as well. At least her name didn't come out as a quick yell that caused the poor guy to turn a shade of red while constantly rubbing his palms on his pants.

Not that she enjoyed seeing anybody else struggle.

Kayla rubbed a comforting, gentle hand along Kimmy's back for a moment while roll call finished.

The hearing moved along to the reading of both reports of the siblings. Each report was read aloud by Leonard. Kimmy and Zach had already made significant progress since entering foster care. Kimmy met Ben, Kayla, and Mr. O'Reilly's gaze when they each gave her a proud smile, even though it didn't seem like she had made that much progress.

She couldn't help but smile like a proud sister at how well Zach had been doing. He was sleeping through the night without being restrained. Apparently, his meltdowns were becoming less frequent and further apart, and there were little things, like new words Zach had picked up to communicate more. Kimmy's eyes moistened just listening to the nice things said about her big brother.

Was this how a mother was supposed to feel?

The smile soon vanished however when it was decided he wouldn't be returning home. Stella had been tested both mentally and emotionally, and was determined to be unable to provide the care and attention Zach would need for the rest of his life. Tears flooded her eyes as Kimmy listened to a bunch of stupid adults permanently split up her family.

What did they know? These people weren't around for the past nine to twelve years.

Kimmy nearly jumped when she felt an arm wrap around her and it wasn't Kayla. She peered up at the arm's owner to see it had been Ben.

He apologized in a whisper for only Kimmy to hear, taking his arm back. She was unsure how to respond, leading Kayla to comfort her instead. Kimmy leaned into the woman's embrace but felt guilty for Ben, who only seemed to be trying to help. He didn't seem to take offense to it, though. There was a hint of rejection somewhere in his face.

Zach's foster parents weren't going anywhere and would continue to be his guardians for as long as needed, at least.

Kimmy stole a look over where her mom was sitting with her lawyer. Stella's head was pointed towards the table they sat at. Her lawyer tried to gently take hold of her arm, but Stella shook it away. Kimmy's heart hurt even more and had the sudden urge to run to her mom's side.

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