chapter 1

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it was another day at Hikari's house as she was in the garage with her band practicing and they had finished for the day.
Hikari: alright guys go ahead and head home it's been a long day.
Brandon: yeah thanks.
Yuki: hopefully we get a bigger gig.
Hikari: hey battle of the bands is happening at school soon so be ready and we can win it I know we can and my friends said they'll send their support, and Kevin no it doesn't mean you can flirt with Rangiku I will kick your ass. anyway I gotta go Rangiku said she wanted to introduce me to someone.
Kevin: sounds like she's setting you up with a date.
Hikari: oh shut up smartass besides I don't dick heads you guys know this especially when everyone keeps calling me a little kid, i'm just me.
Brandon: your still growing your fifteen and your like a sister to us even though us three are siblings. Hikari smiled and hugged her friends then went to the park too meet up with Rangiku.

*at the park*

Rangiku: hey Hikari. Hikari ran to Rangiku and she Hikari was wearing her sunglasses since she hates the sun and saw a white haired boy standing next to Rangiku.
Rangiku: Hikari i'd like you to meet Captain Hitsugaya he leads squad ten at the soul society.
Hikari: huh I see (holds out hand) its nice too meet you captain Hitsugaya I'm Hikari Lycan my last name is from my dad's side of the family, don't ask I never understood it.
Toshiro: nice too meet you Hikari and I am curious about your last name.
Hikari: if your wondering what it means it means werewolf in Latin everyone calls me wolfy because of it honestly it gets a little annoying. I take you two are here from the soul society?
Rangiku: we are but mind if we stay with you?
Hikari: yeah sure your my friend Rangiku and besides it gets lonely at my place since my parents left it too me. so follow me and I will show you where it is unless you'd both like a ride.
Toshiro: I take it you didn't walk here?
Hikari: no I have a car my Mom gave it too me before she died. they all walked over to the car and climbed in as Hikari started up the car and began driving to her house.
Rangiku: this is roomy.
Hikari: yeah my Mom used to work at a dealership she had a high pay rate, and Dad well he worked with my uncle as a doctor he was well known. so that's why we have a big house so you both can choose a room.

*at Hikari's house*

the car pulled up the drive way and everyone got out then walked into the house.
Rangiku: wow nice place it's huge.
Hikari: like I said Mom had a high paying job so she made a lot of money also made the advertisements for the company, so she did what she could too keep the family going. but let me show you upstairs. Hikari guided Toshiro and Rangiku upstairs and showed them the six guest rooms.
Toshiro: why so many rooms.
Hikari: oh sometimes my cousins would come over and stay the weekend but I let Renji stay here a while back even Rukia, Lord was she mad at Ichigo it was kinda fun to watch. but Captain Hitsugaya your room is here and Rangiku your a couple doors down the hall so I am going to make dinner and make yourselves at home if you need me the kitchen is across from the living room. Hikari went downstairs then Rangiku and Toshiro went to settle in then they both went downstairs and Rangiku went to help Hikari.
Rangiku: need some help?
Hikari: yeah I can't reach on the top shelf of this sucks.
Rangiku: I got an idea get on my shoulders. Hikari got on Rangiku's shoulders then got what she needed.
Hikari: thanks Rangiku.
Rangiku: sure so what're you cooking?
Hikari: oh it's chicken with rice my Mom used to make this all the time but sometimes we had steak or sometimes Dad would barbecue, but that was in the past and they taught me how to cook could you hand me the milk I need it to make the batter for the chicken. Rangiku got the milk and handed it to Hikari as she got to work cooking the chicken. then set it on the table as she got a few glasses and set them down on the table.

Toshiro sat down and Hikari sat down after she brought the rice and set it on the table.
Toshiro: Hikari how long have you've been living alone here?
Hikari: since I was fifteen my family tends to stop by and makes sure i'm doing alright and well I do some shows with my band.
Rangiku: band?
Hikari: we're known as the crimson ravens we tend to perform music and the jobs get us alot of money sometimes, but we're going to be competing in the battle of the bands at school.
Rangiku: well I wouldn't miss this your going to be great. after dinner Hikari was in her room working on the music then heard a knock on the door as she answered it only to see Toshiro at the door.
Hikari: something you need Captain Hitsugaya?
Toshiro: call me Toshiro I was walking by and I heard your msuic it sounds great.
Hikari: thanks but the competition is in two days and the band has to practice i'm just nervous about this, what if everyone doesn't like my music they just might make fun of me.
Toshiro: i'm sure you'll be great get some sleep you have a long couple of days ahead of you. Hikari smiled and nodded as she went to bed.

*next day*

the band was praticing and they were doing great then heard clapping only to see it was Ichigo Hikari walked over and hugged her cousin, as he hugged her back while they were laughing a bit.
Ichigo: hey you guys sound great out here.
Brandon: thanks we are going to win the competition.
Kevin: yeah we ravens are going to win whoo!
Ichigo: yeah sure but listen me Hikari's friends are coming to see this and they want to support her so see you guys at the competition.
Yuki: well she introduced us to a few of them so we gotta get back to practice.

*at the competition*

Hikari was walking backstage and she was wearing her outfit which was a black crop top with her leather jacket, black boots and jeans as she was wearing her choker Hikari was trying to calm her nerves since she never performed in front of the school. then heard a voice and saw it was Toshiro she was messing around with her necklace.
Toshiro: you alright?
Hikari: no just nervous I never sang in front of the school they could hate us.
Toshiro: just do what you do best you can do this Hikari. Hikari was blushing due to how close Toshiro is to her and she nodded then heard her bands name.
Keigo: alright let's get ready to rock and roll with the crimson ravens!

as Hikari was singing everyone was shocked to she her singing the way she was and they started cheering for her.
Rangiku: who would've thought she could sing like this.
Yumichika: it is shocking.
Ikkaku: well Hikari sounds great I think she's showing the true her, and well the songs great.
Renji: go Hikari!
Rukia: she's great.
Hikari: falls falls falls yeah man! after the song was over everyone was cheering and Hikari smiled as she waved at the soul reapers as they all waved back at her. the winner was decided and it the crimson ravens had won as they all cheered and every decided, that Hikari should have the trophy and she hugged her friends. they all walked off of the stage and Hikari was on Brandon and Kevin's shoulders as they were all celebrating.

*at the party*

Ichigo: to the crimson ravens!
everyone: cheers!
Orihime: that was a great song Hikari.
Hikari: thanks Orihime it took a lot of thought for that song and well it just came to me.
Ikkaku: it was something but you showed your true colors. Hikari held up her glass and nodded at Ikkaku.
Hikari: yeah shows i'm not a weak girl I hate being called that.
Yumichika: your no weak girl.
Renji: he's right especially after we both arm wrestled this girl she's strong.
Hikari: I work out I like to stay in shape.
Ichigo: she does. everyone was having fun and laughing Hikari went outside and hung out on the balcony in the back yard.
Toshiro: you should be inside enjoying the party.
Hikari: sorry not much into parties sometimes I like to come outside see the stars. whenever I look up there i can see my parents smiling down on me up from their bed in the stars.
Toshiro: really?
Hikari: mhm it was something my Mom used to say to me when I was little and evertime I look up there I see them smiling at me, Dad said he picked my name because it means light since well I was the light of their lives.
Toshiro: you were a lucky girl they sounded like very loving parents.
Hikari: (smiles and chuckles) yeah they were I loved them but i'm still here and i'm glad I got too meet you Toshiro your a great guy, and I heard from one of the other luietnants a great captain so i'm heading to bed night.

Toshiro: night. Hikari walked inside and Toshiro pulled out his soul phone as he checked it to see if a hollow was near, he went inside and decided to head to bed himself.
Toshiro: maybe I should get to know Hikari more she seems really great.

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