"there's probably a million things i could say right here, right now, about my sister. i could go on and on about how talented, kind, and caring she was, but that would take days,"

she pauses for a second before her eyes go back to scanning her paper, "i think i can make things easier on myself and everyone in attendance by simply saying that y/n was a beautiful soul. she was selfless, and wouldn't mind helping anyone in need; it beats me up everyday to know that i was never there when she needed me the most."

i swallow and watch as her tears begin to seep, but she remains tranquil and the tone of her voice is steady, "but there's one person i want to give thanks to," her eyes turn up and gaze down at me, "taehyung, thank you for being there for my sister, and helping her feel safe. she trusted you and loved you. you were one of the only people who knew of her sickness and you did everything in your power to help her get better."

i nod towards her as that same small smile remains pasted across my lips. with a gentle breath she concludes, "y/n, my beautiful little sister, i love you. i will miss everything about you from your smile, to your laughter, to your funny, sly remarks. i can't wait to see you again, thank you for everything you've done. i love you." applause erupts from the seats as i stand up and make my way over to help her down the steps.

"that was beautiful, jane." she forces a small laugh and wipes at her cheeks, "thanks taehyung, don't outdo me too much." she winks before i take my stand on the stage.

"hello everyone, thank you all for being here. i don't..." my voice fades as i stare down at the speech i composed days ago. i shake my head and flip it so that it lies face down before i avert my eyes towards the crowd of people in front of me.

"this has not been easy, at all. having to live everyday without the love of your life will never be something that i become accustomed to. but there's something, or i should say someone, that keeps me going," i turn and look at kiyoung who's rested in the arms of ms. yuna, "and that is our beautiful daughter, kiyoung. of course i'm new to this whole father scene; changing diapers, making formulas, having to wake up at 3 in the morning to sing lullabies, it's all so unfamiliar to me."

i take a deep breath and adjust myself so that i'm facing everyone singularly, "but y/n left me kiyoung because she knew i would need a piece of her to get by each day. had it not been for the birth of our daughter, i would never make it out of bed day by day. she left me with a reason to keep going. i promised her that i would continue to push for both her, and our daughter, and i never break a promise. y/n, i've loved you since the day that i met you, and i will never stop."

as they clap i grab my speech and walk down the steps. i take my seat next to jungkook, who wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me in tightly.

"taehyung!" his booming voice calls and his long legs stride towards me.

"mr. yarrow, it's nice to see you again." i give his hand a firm shake as he smiles. his teeth are white and impeccably straight, "same here, although i wish it was under different circumstances." i agree with a silent nod.

"when y/n told me she was sick, i never expected it to progress so fast. i guess i was kind of just hoping that she would recover. as her boss, we are definitely going to miss her at the establishment, but as her uncle, i am going to miss her as my sweet and hardworking niece." i stare at him somberly, how would he feel if he knew that i only found out about her sickness by eavesdropping on their conservation?

"i understand completely, mr. yarrow. i miss her everyday." his kind eyes turn down and land on the car seat that's clutched in my hand, "is this my great niece?" i nod my head and smile, "yes sir it is." he bends down and beams at her, i only hoped his pearly whites wouldn't give her a headache, "well aren't you the cutest?" he stands to his feet and digs his hands in his pockets.

"i probably shouldn't be telling you this but, y/n came to my office a few months ago, to talk to me about you." my mouth immediately goes dry as his kind smile dims into a stern deadpan; i silently wait for him to continue.

"she told me that you were a great guy. she expressed to me how much it would hurt if she had to leave you behind. but she also told me that had it not been for you, she would've never picked up her laptop to write ever again, so thank you taehyung." a breath of relief tumbles from my mouth as i smile leisurely.

"of course, mr. yarrow. it makes me feel good to know i helped her in any way possible."

"you're a good kid, taehyung. i wish nothing but the best for you." he pats my shoulder before walking back towards the dining hall.

i exhale once again and bend down to face kiyoung, "daddy really dodged a bullet there huh?"


"your speech was beautiful, tae." oc cracks open a can of root beer and hops on top of the desk, "yeah i shed a few tears. i miss y/n." jungkook chimes in as he fiddles with his pen on the couch across from me.

i'd decided to stop by the shop in order to talk to my closest friends after a day full of mourning. they were the two people who always knew how to make me feel better. the shop was closed by now, and the streets were empty, so this allowed us time to communicate and digress from the grieving process for now.

"thanks guys, i miss her too, kook." i hear oc's feet thump against the wooden floor as she hops down from the desk and walks over to me, "can i hold her?" she nods her head towards kiyoung who's focused on her teething toy. i hold my hand out, "knock yourself out." she squeals excitedly and bends down to pick her up.

"i'm moving soon." i hesitantly announce and fall back against the leather cushion of the couch. their eyes widen as they both whip their heads towards me, "what?" they say in unison.

"i can't stay here, in this city. it's like i always see something that reminds me of her everywhere i go. i'm only moving about 3 hours away." jungkook leans forward with lowered eyebrows and narrow eyes, "tae, that will happen to you anywhere you go, especially since you're grieving. no, you can't go." his bottom lip quivers as i glare down at my feet.

"taheyung he's right," oc speaks sternly, "moving will not make you forget her."

"i don't want to forget her, nothing will make that happen. but i need a change of scenery, especially since i still live across from her old apartment and in the same place she moved into. i've already bought the house for kiyoung and i." at this jungkook sighs heavily and falls back against the couch. his eyes avert towards oc, and they're filled with disbelief.

oc shrugs and continues to rock with kiyoung in her arms. "i support any steps you decide to take, taehyung. and as i much as i hate to admit it, i might actually miss you." i grin at her and then look over at jungkook. he's silent, and i can tell he's angry with me. we've become extremely close, he and oc were the first people who truly welcomed me when i first moved here for y/n.

"jungkook i'm-" he stands to his feet and pulls open the door, "save it. good luck on your new journey." he storms out of the shop before he flicks his hood on and disappears into the night. "he's pissed." oc whispers as i glance down at my watch. "it's getting late i have to get her to bed." i stand to my feet as oc hands me my daughter. i tuck her into her car seat before pulling the cover over her body.

"i didn't mean to upset him." she waves it off and crosses her arms, "jungkook has just become very accustomed to having you around. i wouldn't dwell on it too much," she walks over and lands a heavy hand down on my shoulder, "do whatever you think is right for you and your daughter. night, tae."

i pick up the carseat and walk towards the door, "thanks oc, goodnight."


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