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A child's struggle for life begins when? Life has always been ruthless, no mercy, no sorrow, just life, and a battle between you. During this battle, you shouldn't trust anyone; you are walking on a tightrope, with only two options: death or battle. Both sides will embark on the same path; there will only be a shortcut. If you choose not to go on either side and continue on the straight and long road, trying to walk on that rope, learning to balance and continue on your way, overcoming obstacles and forks in the road, then you will win. Nothing will hinder your life. A prepared and strong person must defeat life without it smiling at us, and we must stand against it firmly and say, "I have won." They should bow to us, not us to them.


Morning had come, and Asil, a 7-year-old, was sitting at the table, once again refusing to eat his plate of food, saying he didn't like cheese and didn't want to eat. "But, darling, if you eat them, your sibling and you will have a nice surprise waiting for you outside. You love surprises, don't you, my beautiful girl?" said his mother. Asil's eyes sparkled at the mention of the surprise, and he happily started eating his meal.

Once he finished his plate, he quickly jumped from his chair, barefoot, and started climbing the stairs from the kitchen, with his mother struggling to keep up. "Wait, my dear, you're too fast; I can't catch up with you, and you might fall," his mother said.

Asil ran into his room, saying, "You can't catch me; I'm too happy today, and I'll never stop." His mother followed him into the room, teasingly tackling him onto the bed and tickling him, both of them enjoying themselves without a care in the world.

An hour later

"Come on, Mom, we'll be late!" Asil exclaimed excitedly, wearing her little blue dress with her hair flowing in loose waves and her white shoes, looking adorable with a big smile on her face as she anxiously waited for her mother to come down the stairs. When her mother appeared on the stairs, Asil's eyes widened with awe. Her mother descended the stairs, asking, "How do I look?" Asil's smile slowly faded as she looked at her mother, saying, "But, Mom, you look so beautiful. I'm not that beautiful." Her mother walked over to her, bending down in front of her and said, "You are the most beautiful girl in the world, my angel, even more beautiful than me." Asil, setting aside her little jealousy, hugged her mother, laughing, and they hugged each other right there, not knowing what was about to happen.

After preparation

"Come on mom, we're almost there!" Asil shouted, his eyes shining with excitement as they approached a large park. His heart was pounding with excitement as his father pulled the car aside. "Look, this is the surprise; I'll leave you now, you can go and play. But remember, no running to the road. Your mother and I will sit there," said his father. Asil and Beren jumped out of the car, nodding their heads up and down in approval, and were taken to the park. While their parents were sitting on the bench, they were having fun playing games. "Our girls are growing up, aren't they, dear?" His mother nodded. "Yes, they grew up very quickly and became very beautiful, just like me." she said, laughing, and her father put his arm around her and laughed with her.

How happy they were, weren't they? What more could such a lovely family want?

"Hey, you girls!" a boy called out to Asil and Beren. When they looked in that direction, they saw a group approaching a girl and two boys, holding hands. Asil and Beren cautiously walked over to them. "Excuse me, why did you call us?" Asil said, gripping her sister's hand tighter, worried that something might happen to her. The boy smiled and said, "I'm Bora, and these are my friends. Would you like to join us?" Asil's eyes sparkled with joy, and she said, "Sure, we accept. What are we going to play?" Bora pointed to the ball he held under his foot and said, "We're going to play ball." Asil looked disappointed, and it showed on her face. Bora furrowed his brow and asked, "Why are you upset? Don't you want to play?" Asil shook her head, saying, "I do, but my sister doesn't." Bora thought for a moment, clapping his hands together, "Then she can watch us; maybe she'll learn too." Asil looked at Beren with a smile, and when Beren agreed, they started playing, minutes blending into each other.

15 minutes later

"I'm going to score, I'm going to score!" Asil exclaimed, running towards the makeshift goal they had marked with stones. Just as she was about to shoot, one of Bora's friends, the girl, kicked the ball, sending it in another direction. Everyone stopped and looked where it went. "Oh no, it went into the road. Who's going to get it now?" Everyone felt upset. Seeing their disappointment, Beren quickly stood up and said, "I'll go; wait here." Beren ran to retrieve the ball but stumbled and fell because her shoelaces were untied, and...

The car quickly crashed into Beren. Screams echoed in the air, and Beren's little body remained motionless in the middle of the road. Asil ran towards him and shook him, hoping that he would wake up. The only thing Asil thought about was, would Beren wake up if he sang the song they listened to when they were little?

"Beren, do you remember? We used to sing together. Let's sing it again."

"Neither loneliness nor lies

Let them not hurt you

Humans cried when they were born

Let this be the last, let this be the last..."

Her voice trembled, but it remained the same as she desperately held her sister's cold hands, trying to warm them by holding them tighter, not hearing anyone around her. Her mother was saying something, but Asil didn't understand. The last thing she remembered was her sister being taken away in an ambulance.


His life struggle started when he was seven years old, he was innocent, but his life did not add innocence to him. Let's see if the fight for life will make him suffer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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