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Background information (Jobe book):

Before we start with the real introduction just a little disclaimer:

This isn't the first time I've written something about Amari and Jude.

They appear for the first time in my Jobe book.

If you want some background on how they've met and stuff you should read the Jobe book.

And I'm not just saying that because I'd like you to read my other story lol.

Especially Amari has more appearances in it than Jude so you'd already get some insight on her personality.

Or you should maybe at least read the chapters where the appear together or mention each other in whatever way.

But even if you don't read any of them you'll still be fine just starting blindly into this one ig🤷🏼‍♀️.

Chapters from the Jobe book concerning Amari and Jude:

- chapter 3 (only small mention)
- chapter 8 (only small mention)
- chapter 15 (first meeting)
- chapter 21
- chapter 24
- chapter 25 (first 'real' interaction)
- chapter 33
- chapter 34
- chapter 38
- chapter 39
- chapter 41

☙ Introduction ❧

Jude and Amari met each other for the first time at a Liverpool game through his brother Jobe and her best friend Maëlys.

They get along just fine but since Amari lives in Sunderland while Jude lives in Madrid that afternoon is the only time they meet at first.

Jude however wants to get to know the brunette more so he asks Maëlys for her friends Instagram.

After he DMs her they almost immediately hit it off and start texting each other a lot, almost every day to be honest.

They also have a few calls here and there but texting is mostly the way the two of them communicate.

When Jude visits his brother and father in February he and Amari see each other for the first time in person since the Liverpool game at a house party.

There Jude takes his chance and asks Amari out on date, which she says yes to.

They go on said date the day before Jude has to leave for Madrid again and they have a pretty good time.

After he gets back home they keep on texting but for some reason it became less and less.

About a month or so later they barely talk anymore and Amari wonders why he's being so distant.

Until she sees an article from a The Sun.

There it says that Jude has been seen kissing the Spanish model Valentina Delgado in a bar in Madrid.

Amari is immediately really sad since she felt like there was something between them, especially because he asked her on a date, which went good in her eyes.

She sends him the link to the article and adds a 'wtf jude?!' before she blocks him everywhere.

What Amari doesn't know is that the whole relationship between Jude and the model is just a PR stunt that his agent had set up.

He doesn't even really like the Spanish women.

But because of something he did in his past he has no other choice than to agree to the fake relationship.

He tries to reach out to Amari to explain it but since he's blocked everywhere he just gives up eventually.


here it is the introduction for my jude book everybody🫢😌.
for now i'll only post an introduction and the characters since my main focus is still on the jobe book.
my full focus won't be on this story until the other book is done.
so be patient with updates for now.
also this story will probably be more in the future i guess so i can't predict any madrid or england games.
so every game i'll describe will probably be not taken from reality.
i hope that makes sense lmao.
anyways, hope you liked the introduction.
see you hopefully soon in the first chapter.
love yous💕

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