°Hell hole°

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Your POV
I rode after bill I heard the others calling our names but I didn't turn back
I rode after bill and the others rode after me and him
Bill stopped at the well house
I dropped my bike, walking after him when I heard a yell
"Bill! You can't go in there..this is crazy!" I heard Beverly say
"Look you don't have to come in with me, but what happens when a-another Georgie goes missing? Or another Betty or another ed corcran or one of us!..are you just gonna pretend like it isn't happening like everyone else in this town? Because I can't..I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there his clothes his toys his stupid stuffed animals but..he isn't..so walking into this house..for me..it's easier then walking into my own.." bill said without one stutter
"Wow.." Richie said
"What?" Beverly said
"He didn't stutter once.."
i walk up onto the steps and we were all about to walk in when I heard Stan yell
"Wait! Shouldn't we have some people keep watch, just in case something bad happens?" I could tell Stan didn't want me to go in the house but..I had to I wasn't gonna let bill go in alone
"W-who wants to stay out here" bill said
Everyone raised there hand except me and Bev
In the end me bill Eddie and Richie went inside
As we stepped inside I heard Richie say
"I can't believe I pulled the short straw, you guys are lucky we're not measuring dicks" Richie said
"Shut up Richie, I don't even have a dick." I said annoyed with him
"Sorry" he said sarcastically
"I can smell it.." Eddie said shakily
"Don't breathe through your mouth.." Richie says
"How come?" Eddie says
"Because then your eating it" Richie replies
Richie walks over to a corner with a couch and a bunch of spider webs
I saw him grab a paper from the webs, he looked frightened
I walked to him
"Rich..what's wrong.." I ask
"I-it says I'm missing.." Richie
"You're not missing Richie." I said trying to take the paper from him
"No it says it says! Am I missing?! Am I gonna go missing! What the fuck!" Richie panics
Bill grabs Richie's shoulders
"You're not m-missing Richie! C-c-calm down" bill assures Richie,
"Hello? Help me!" A voice from the upstairs said
"Help me please!" It said again
We walked upstairs and looked down a hallway and in a room we saw..Betty rimson
"Betty.." bill said
"Rimson?" Richie finished the sentence..
She looks at us, she had blood all on her mouth suddenly she got pulled away and we heard a scream from the room
Bill me and Richie ran into the room
Eddie was really behind I walked out to get him to follow us when the door of the room bill and Richie were in slammed shut, me and Eddie ran to the door but before we reached the door the flooring in front of it fell, causing both me and Eddie to fall
We both hit our heads and passed out
A few minutes later me and him woke up
I look down, to see that my knee was bleeding and it stung
Eddie's arm was out of place, probably broken
Me and Eddie heard noises from the fridge that was in the room, it suddenly opened and something started to come out of it
IT..the clown leaned down looking at us
"Time to float." It said creepily
Me and Eddie started backing ourselves away
When we felt our backs hit the wall
The clown grabs me and Eddie by the throat
"Tasty tasty beautiful fear" it said
Drooling on us Eddie was gagging while on the other hand I was physically shaking tears welling in my eyes, not because of the clown, it's because my knee was stinging like shit
The clown then opened its mouth, showing rows of sharp teeth when the door swung open
Richie and bill
"Eddie!" Richie said
"Y-Y/N" bill said
Bill looked down at my knee and Eddie's arm and his eyes widened
My jeans were ripped at my knee cap from falling through the floor earlier
Pennywise looks back at Richie and bill
"This isn't real enough for you Billy? I'm not real enough for you? It was real enough for Georgie" it said in a creepy voice and laughed
It charged at bill and Richie but Beverly ran in and stabbed its head with a spear
It started wailing and it's blood started floating
I hug my knees, burying my head into my knees, still shaking
Richie and bill ran over to me and Eddie
I felt Richie put a hand on my shoulder
"Y/N!" He said
I look at him a tear rolled down my cheek
I slowly stood up
Suddenly the clown turned around one of its eyes were glowing and it had huge claws
It spins around, scratching my knee even more, I let out a yelp and fell back down
It spun around the other way and slit Bens stomach then it walked out downstairs
"Don't let it get away" bill said following after it even though we were all calling after him
After a minute Beverly called after him and he ran back upstairs to us
Richie kneeled in front of Eddie and gently grabbed his arm
"I'm gonna snap your arm back into place 3..2..1.." Richie snaps Eddie's arm back and Eddie yelped
We went back outside and I slowly got on my bike and rode with the others, even though my knee was hurting like hell and was bleeding

Why today?..

Lovestruck kids (Stanley Uris x Y/N Y/L/N).                      COMPLETEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz