1 chapter

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The shadows of the trees fell across the forest floor, creating a deep and silent abyss of darkness. The entire area is filled with fog swirling in the air. There was a quiet rustle of leaves in the trees, but other than the breeze, the night was truly silent. The moon shone like a white Lantern, peering into the darkness, illuminating everything with its silvery light.

A tall wanderer wandered along the narrow paths of a deep forest. Her long fiery red hair flowed in the light wind, forming a magnificent halo around her head. A black cape was draped over her shoulders, shrouding her pale body in shadows. Thick the forest cover muffled her steps, making them barely audible in the still air.

She walked slowly, her feet brushing against the leaves covering the ground. The traveler looked around, trying to get her bearings in the almost complete darkness. She kept chin raised, her gaze wary in case she was ready to flee at the slightest sign of danger.

The lady was lost in thought as she wandered. Own thoughts return to the moment of her rebirth. The mind was filled with memories of a past life. She remembered the pain and suffering she experienced in her previous life. Ignoring, misunderstanding, frame-ups from own family...
Ariana Cardet, the eldest daughter of the great count, knelt over the steel blade. Barely moving her neck, she looked around. Everything was blurry before her eyes.

-Raise her head!

On command, the girl, whose disheveled hair lay haphazardly on the floor, was grabbed and lifted. The once silky strands were now soaked in their own blood.

Hair that fluttered in the wind and a dark cloak all which was dimly visible.

- Ariana Cardet. The one who fooled the whole people. You must repay in full for your crimes. - the count gave his word.


A young maiden with blond hair ran to the place where the execution was taking place. Ariana glared at her, keeping her brown eyes wide open.

Father, allow me to approach my sister and personally tell her one last thing.

-You can't, Marie, you...

-Please... Marie crossed fingers in front of her. - If you even understand my feelings. Let me say goodbye to our family member.

People in the crowd whispered loudly to each other. How could she be so kind to someone who had repeatedly committed crimes? But no one could refuse her this request.

In the end the Count gave permission. And Marie came closer to Ariana. Leaning over, she said:

-My dear Ariana... Now you are living the last moments of your miserable life. These words are intended for you, which I have been keeping within myself all this time. I feel like I have to tell you something... Looking into her eyes, I whispered in her ear. - Stupid.
Marie, kneeling down, slowly wiped away a clear tear stuck in her eyelashes. This sudden action frightened the people and her family, and the Count and Countess rushed forward. But the young girl raised palm in front of them, letting them know that everything was fine. Then she again brought her lips to "criminal's" ear:
- I did all the things that have happened lately. I started all this to make you look like an evil creature to others! So that this moment can finally come!

Ariana's eyes widened in anger. She slowly turned swollen face towards her. Marie herself, following her sister's emotions, decided to continue her speech:

- And the most important thing is that no one suspected me, no matter how many sins I committed. But I set it all up! But don't worry about it, you'll be executed very soon anyway. Nevertheless, I will never forget those wonderful days that we spent together. My heart even bleeds just to think that you will soon be gone. Goodbye little sister...

Pretending that she had already forgiven Ariana, Marie finished speech and, rising from her knees, turned to the people with a sad face.

Ariana mustered what remnants of strength she could find and angrily muttered something after her younger sister with a rag in her mouth. But then the strength was spent, and the poor girl's body twitched slightly and fell to the floor. It was a futile fight for life.

When her family came downstairs, the soldiers put Ariana on the guillotine. The frame was secured around her neck.

- Please... The girl closed eyes and thought to herself. - I want to go back to my life... To turn everything back... I want to live...

Everything turned upside down in an instant, the sound of blades cutting through the air. And darkness came.

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