Cortana's rebirth

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In the previous chapter, Cortana (weapon) engages in a fierce battle with the Precursor, confronting an entity called the Primordial. In order to fight this threat, Cortana takes control of Master Chief's lifeless body and faces off against the Primordial. By exploiting a vulnerability and targeting the armor joints of the creature, Cortana lands crucial blows on the enemy. 

The enraged Primordial cries out, "No, no! How can you do this?" to which Cortana calmly replies, "It's simple; your armor has weaknesses at its joints."

Primordial chuckled, "Hmm, very clever." Cortana boasted, "I'm the smartest in the galaxy," and punched Primordial. Ouch! Your words are a bit rude. Primordial said, "Stop this nonsense. This time, I won't go easy on you for treating me like a nobody. I am a superior existence, idiot!"

then  Primordial created a sword from an unknown material. Cortana was amazed by its uniqueness. Primordial revealed his Axiom Blade, which is 1000x denser than protons quarks. It was an advanced version of hard light technology. "This is just a small demonstration of our superior technology," he said.." 

Primordial said, "Let's start our fight." "Okay, I will avenge my partner, John," Cortana replied as she wielded her energy blade. Cortana was deep in thought, pondering how to defeat the monster with its incredibly advanced weapon technology that outmatched them by a hundredfold. Despite the seemingly insurmountable disadvantage, she was determined to do her best to save humanity and all other creatures, even if it meant sacrificing her own life.

As the two swords clashed, the primordial axiom blade cut through Cortana's left hand, shattering her hard light energy blade. Cortana, in severe pain, exclaimed "Ah, Ahhh it hurts! it hurts  I've never felt such excruciating pain in my life."

Primordial chuckled and said, "Miss, your condition seems quite pathetic. Shall we stop here?""Cortana said no, no. I still fight so stop saying nonsense. I can still fight and take a stance, even while in heavy pain. Maybe I can't save all life, but I will fight until I die."

Ahahaha, even as a super AI, you still spout nonsense. In the twilight, wisdom dances backward, primordially laughing in her evil face.

As Cortana pondered, she couldn't help but agree with his words. "No, he's absolutely right," she thought. "I've been displaying my human-like foolish behavior, and it's not good at all. I need to work on becoming a better assistant."

"Cortana, despite the searing pain, understood that using brute force would not be enough to win this battle. It was the time to apply cunning and strategy," she said to the Primordial. Her voice remained steady, despite the agony. "You may disregard it as nonsense, but every word and action is a step towards your downfall."

The Primordial, captivated by her boldness, halted. "Explain yourself," it commanded. Cortana, using her advanced AI capabilities, began to overload her energy blade's core, not to attack, but to create a blinding light. "You rely on your eyes too much," she said as the light erupted, temporarily blinding the Primordial.

In the heat of the moment, Cortana did something unexpected. Instead of attacking, she used her remaining hand to snatch the Axiom Blade from the Primordial's grasp. "Your dependence on superior technology is your weakness," she stated, examining the blade. "But I must admit, it's impressive."
The Primordial was furious, but it was too late. Cortana wielded the Axiom Blade, and the Primordial could hardly believe it. "You think you can handle my creation?" it sneered."I don't need to," Cortana replied as she plunged the Axiom Blade into the ground. The Blade resonated, disrupting the Primordial's insectar form. "I just need to comprehend it."

As the Primordial's insect form stabilized, it was impressive. "My Neutron Death Ray is ready to commence once again. It's only the beginning, the real fight starts now," declared the Primordial. 

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