One hand clapping

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Daron rode with the wagons of artillery as they bounced along the road heading back into Tasmin Point, Jehshra rode with him full of questions a convert now to weapons of mass destruction! He could never have believed anything could do so much damage. ah, you saw the rock cut a path through the camp then said Daron, a clear path over twenty must have died easily twenty, yes, commander it was unbelievable we must talk about this pisicnis, ha, Jehshra its physics but mostly mathematics, oh, please commander you talk of magic and I can't do magic, no, my young Chief come I will try to explain it, the army arrived at Tasmin Point, to cheering from the men, I knew our native friends would be returning home soon leaving us to finish the fight, that night my friends had a fair well dinner Rexus was happy to be propped up in his stretcher on the side of a cupboard, Jehshra' Daron Hain and Frey making it a night for us all to enjoy, more wine roared Rexus, Frey asked me about our troop training and wanted my take on its importance, Jehshra said, it's in the people's only when they feel they know how well they'll take to fighting, we talked late into the morning sleep eventually called so I said, take my room Jehshra let Frey sleep on the bed, ahh..Later I woke to see Jehshra had fallen asleep on the floor snoring loudly I lay back to sleep thinking when my training friends Mason and Killan jumped into my head I knew they were out here and wondered if I'd ever see them again, an Army breakfast of beans! With bread at sunrise signalling the departure and had me looking at everyone, I hope to see more of you, my friends, Frey hugged me Jehshra punched my arm saying after this my brother"..often, the tribesmen left for the coast me thinking hard about the complement just given, Franklin sent for me after they were out of sight, Raiden he said I'm at a loss as to why you didn't use Jehshra to his fullest potential, Sir I said you know as well as I that any pressure on him would fail..Sir" his father has five Spys watching us, yes but it's the long road where working for Raiden, Lord I must say you are not looking at the spear here, What he said, Sir if the sea tribes turn?, Franklin looked daggers at me but sat holding his head, yes I know it my hope was to find a way out of this Raiden please find me an out, Sir it's here now we've set our border we have the men any breach can be contained with our outer scouts we just need time, pigeons were sent, foot troops by the thousand marched in daily, Daron said we should have two hundred and fifty thousand fighting men on the border by the start of the new month, that's two weeks said Rexus, ooh, not good we should push now Lord, no said Franklin, Lord if Raiden is right' we have enough now so let's set the field and relie on our scouts, I was not happy with myself but the commanders and leaders looked to be ready to stop any border incursions, my attention was fixed on the tribesmen Army watching us preparing to attack, extra scouts and even bushmen used as scouts were out watching, word came to me that leader Hain with three troops of Lance bow were ambushed not far from a border well, six" men dead, my mind on being at the next meeting of Lords and elders was a distraction until to my surprise Franklin came to my rooms with five of his field commanders, maps were rolled out with forms and plans, he explained his ideas my door opened, Daron had Rexus carried in on a chair smiling, Lord I said you explained a good overall plan so now hear our plan, the moment Rexus finished Franklin stood I need no more, yes it's solid wall work training will start today so good luck gentleman he picked up our maps and plans and walked out with his commanders, two smiled at me, Damb," said Rexus It's true? our idea is now his, so what I said, it's happening let's just get moving, Rexus said Lord the men have to move at speed now to set all the men properly for the love of the Gods I hope they hold off attacking longer, next morning I sat in my rooms with Rexus walking up and down, stop it! sit man my eyes can't focus on anything with you moving like that, I'm sorry" Lord But I must Jehshra sent a good healer it's his orders and this is only the second day on my feet, OK, but stop and look at the map of placements on your next pass, ha, Lord Raiden, the field is set you said the next move is there's, scouts came in ridding fast from West of us, Lord over twenty thousand men seen but not in the same place, What", he explained the three groups looked to be waiting, then a native rider came with two warriors he held a parchment with my seals on it, Daron look its Jehshra he sent them, I read it jumped to my feet great his scouts are still out and with us as well, then I turned asking the man about Frey, the man smiled at me, I blushed Damb, am I that obvious, Rexus Daron can you get all the mounted fighters ready now to ride with two days worth of supply, I rode out with all the troops of Tasmin Point leaving only the Fort guards with two rotations of men for sleeping, best wall guards I've ever seen said Rexus, there training is better than most they'll be fine, so we rough it until the attack, Rexus I just hope we've done enough, after breakfast the next day horns started and the troops mounted the dust from scouts riding in told me the direction the enemy were coming from, the first scout to get to me said, Sir I saw ten thousand but dust behind them told of thousands more, I ordered a fast ride to the foot soldier camps where we were to fight, the first attack on us was bloody our leg bow hit in a constant wave of shafts horses and riders died by the hundreds the six-foot shafts devastating them one man and his horse stopped dead when hit a shaft through both, the horse's legs gave out and it plopped the rider still on it both dead, I saw the sledge hammer effects as the shafts hit but the native force was doing damage where they concentrated, looking along the lines I saw our whole force was engaged, I had my reserve horse archers supporting our men until the enemy retreated, horses screaming in the aftermath were the first to be silenced then the native wounded, Damb, I said we can't take hits like that for long, Lord isn't that Jehshra's sister coming in behind us, I turned, she rode with ten native girls a flag with the flaming red horse head of their tribe, a troop of Hain's men escorted her in to my tent, we sat Rexus smiling like an eager child said" Lord, if you like I will get food, no it's fine Frey your not hungry are you, no but our scouts have information you must act on,  I'm only here in time to save this camp on your brothers information, you and your brother have the best eyes on the forces against us, yes said Rexus we are forever in your debt, My Lord she said, the main body of tribes are uniting for the big attack tomorrow they will go through beside Tasmin Point with the goal of hitting your command bace inland and its surrounding towns then split along your lines, I'd known they would try a big attack but now? I had to send scouts to worn the command, oh, Frey this is to soon, I had every support force we had move fast to block there way, my troops rode with two hundred leg bow to our section in the line, I sat by the fire eating with Frey my men gone no were to be seen, her eyes in the fire light took my mind away from danger, Lord I see more in your eyes tonight than ever before tell me what your thinking, I took her hand Frey you will have more from me than words after this but after, she smiled Raiden you give me hope, sunrise found my only problem was foot soldiers arriving in time behind us as we rode back to the border walls, in the dark we set our forces as we could in front of the leg bow lines my scouts said the forces each side of us were still in the process of setting spikes, Franklin was there with the reserve but only four sections of two hundred foot soldiers were formed up in shield walls, things looked better each side of us but when a dust cloud was reported, then a black line across the horizon in front moving forward it stopped half a mile away adjusted its positions and charged, Damb, I said this must be most of them, yes Sir thirty thousand just for us, we must hold I said, we have to the force came into range at two hundred and fifty feet our leg bow shafts started bringing horses and riders down more and more as they came closer, I looked from side to side and couldn't believe the number of shafts hitting only when our horse bow started shooting did I chance a look back, more foot soldiers were forming with our soldiers already formed but the number of shafts above them could not be from our two thousand leg bow, our bow where in front of us we must have received help, our lance horsemen charged in good order to protect the fallback but were lost to sight as the leg bow raced back we had to fall back with them behind the shield walls the leg ladies moved well hand to hand in places horse bow reduced to swords in places but over the heads of the shield wall I saw the devastation we had dealt' a field of shafts stood with its crop of bodies, looking back again I saw places where the tribesmen broke through us but were now fighting hand to hand in the distance I saw riders heading into our farmland my heart sank, Rexus called" melee! I saw the shield walls break and the soldiers grabbed spears running toward the enemy unhorsing tribesmen their Lance and spears were the turning point horns sounded and the enemy retreated to stand looking at us just out of range both sides exhausted, I called to reform Rexus repeating the call but to my amazement, the tribesmen started helping there wounded off the field some of our bowmen started shooting but I call a stop, stop it I yelled and was glad to see it stopping way down along our lines, reports came in from along the lines of breaches but the defeat had them back, Franklin rode over with troops of Lance bow, Raiden! Lord Raiden, how did you get the help of Jehshra's fighters, What I said I never saw them, a troop leader said women Sir they all were women, Franklin looked at him I looked at Rexus, Sir that was them who rode back towards command chasing the breaches, yes, Lord Raiden I thought you arranged it said Franklin, no sir but her brother won't be happy, Lord Raiden I will leave that hot rock in your hands, thank you Lord Franklin I said laughing, Rexus walked to a wounded soldier as I looked at the mess around us, that night in my tent, nineteen thousand dead tribesmen said Daron my artillery never got a shot off but further along the line they did well, they all still need more training, how did we do though, Sir our young men are reduced by twenty-two thousand the worst loss of life ever for us lets hope never again, I said, do you think the tribesmen will return to their villages, who knows Lord I've ordered any enemy captured or wounded that can be saved be saved, why said Rexus walking in, they could attack again, no I said goodwill Daron's right we need some with them, Rexus said I don't agree but you seam to do well with the natives so let's see, it took a week to retrieve our wounded and bury the dead Franklin had cairns built for both sides but I was told later the tribes cremated their dead, Rexus was appalled they dug em up,? Jehshra rode in to Tasmin Point with twenty of his men flag flying to the loud cheers shouted by our men, Lord he said I have good news for your Lord Franklin, Rexus said I hope it's about an end to the trouble, that it is commander Rexus, good I said the loss of life was to much on both sides, that's what I like about you Lord Raiden your heart is sound, what of your sister said Rexus, I looked at him wide eyed, Jehshra laughed she is at our village explaining how her fighters lost a years worth of shafts, oh said Rexus, that's bad luck it happens, yes said Jehshra father will make her replace them, but your shafts are wood what if we offer laminated shafts as a reward for your help before the battles, I will ask him but I think he might forgive Frey anyway a smile on his face, good I said, will you and your men stay for a meal, Lord Franklin heard of it and requested we eat with him, he had sheep a bore and a deer on spits we entered the field at Tasmin Point and saw tables with wine beer and seating for all, the party went on into the morning rooms were supplied mostly tents Jehshra stayed until the next evening the hiro of the fort, before he left that day a message arrived from the rebel Chiefs requesting a meeting to reestablish friendship, I insisted on the coastal tribes being there, Jehshra's father was not happy but when the trading rights of both sides were offered he excepted, the meeting was held at Tasmin Point for two reasons Franklin said first the biggest loss of life was around there and second it was close to the centre of all the lands, my aid came in shaking me awake after a night of drinking, Damb" man get out leave me, Lord the lady is here, What" a lady, yes Lord, I got dressed walked out of my room to find Frey in the office part of my rooms, ah I said just the person, she smiled, disarming me, good to see you Lord, ah! No, you don't not until I thank you for saving the day in the battle please come and sit here I walked to my comfortable seating area was fur-covered cushions were piled up, I hope your father wasn't too upset with you, no Lord he was angry but now is very happy especially because of the peace agreement, she smiled"..the trade rights to be granted, without you Frey this wouldn't be happening, that's how close that battle was Frey, you turned it for us, Lord I saw the army and knew it would break through, Frey your information and help saved us, can you stay for dinner tonight and how meny fighters do you have with you, only the ten Lord but lunch might be better, you missed our celebrations we must do a feast for your fighters as well..all" your fighters, Lord that would be good but hard to arrange, you arrange it with your fighters, I will have the feast ready when you say, two weeks later on a full moon Frey and three hundred and twelve lady fighters arrived rooms were set aside for them with guards to keep exited soldiers away, the night started well I had music from the troops band( I never knew we had one but hay girls? ) Frey and I retired to my rooms later that night and talked, you still have the same eyes for me you had when we first met, I can't talk properly around you Frey my tung gets tied in my mouth, she moved closer to me can I see, what, she ran her hand down my cheek to my lips and came closer I closed the distance and moved my lips to hers it was electricity of a power I'd never felt I pushed forward opened my eyes and squeezed her she rolled me onto my back then onto the floor my hands exploring her curves her knee went between my legs and I knew she felt my hardness oh I said you are the most beautiful girl I ever saw my men saw my desire for you it's been hell, shhhsh, she said as her hand found my hardness, shhh, it's the same for me my brother teased me, come to my room I said, we entered and she removed my belt pulled my tunic up over my head I undressed her and we lay side by side hands exploring each other our lips together her taste was sweetness,( some call it crude but sex is ecstasy) I kissed her breasts and belly she moaned so I moved down to her mound her golden mound my lips pushed through her fur finding lips moist and firm I hummed she squealed with pleasure running her hands over my nipples I felt them harden but she was lost to her pleasure and grabbed my shoulders hard her hips circling as I hummed again my toung circling her pleasure centre the moan this time was a high note with an intake of air as she pulled me away to find my hardness please, please she said as I pushed between her legs with mine and moved forward, your my first she said, I froze but she pulled me closer, Frey your my first as well, her hand grabbing onto me, be gentle, my shaft found her and I entered slowly back and forward both of us testing, then in a little more but she cercled her hips entering, she grabbed my ass and pulled me in with a moune and screamed out loud, I was in heaven she held me still saying my gods its wonderful Raiden I feel so full of you please more I rolled her moved her kissed her then she sat up bringing her knees forward each side of me she said my horse isn't like this"'s so good, I rolled my hips she followed but started trembling I was worried until I saw her biting her lips she was about to climax I moved faster' faster she bucked as we both together froze I pulsed into her she trembled through it as I grabbed her breasts in each hand thumbs circling her nipples she sat rotating on me looking hard at me, your mine she said I won't more, your mine you could have had meny girls, I looked at her saying no, not now, I squeezed her breasts she smiled, I only won't you Frey oh" I only won't this with you, she kissed me moving her breasts over my chest, we lay for a while then she sat up looking as my hardness hardened again, please she moved her legs as I pushed them back rolled on top and said now together, the noise of sex Hain said is the sound of one hand clapping as we moved together the noise was a distraction but after a time we got into motion together and I came into her again she squeezed her mussels as I pulsed and moaned ahh, I smiled thinking of Hain's descriptions of making love, no I thought it's individual, we made love all night it was to be the start of our new life together.

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