Beginning the end

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Look over there Sir said Rexus, that dust its horses lots of em, looking around I said what happened to our scouts, Rexus circled his hand over his head, Smiling I saw Hain was already setting ranks our fifty men moved into rows ready for orders, just over the rise ahead of us tribesmen started appearing then a banner with a flaming red horses head came into sight, Lord? it's the Aseya if they're fighting us half our scouts are lost, I saw his fear as he turned to look back, the hoard lined up half a mile away, and then the banner holder with a rider rode forward, I turned as Hain and his four troop leaders pulled up beside us, I smiled then said, Rexus Hain" you're with me the rest stay, Lord Raiden you should stay said Hain, I just rode forward and stopped in front of the man he had buckskins with ridding boots good weapons his hair was long brown and in a ponytail, I looked at his blue eyes and saw confidence, my Lord he said I'm sorry to ride up unannounced, then why are you on our side of the border so far from the coast, Lord because my adversary is here, explain? I said, firstly Lord I must return your men they were well trained but have lost some of their skills, I said you detained them, he waved and our two front scouts were released looking ashamed of themselves, I apologize but need to be on my guard Lord one of the three deeper desert tribes attacking you is the Kreshan who are at war with my people the crossing onto the grasslands is a challenge to take our land I ask you to inform your people of a frend on your land, Fox in the hen house you mean! who are you? said Rexus, I'm Jehshra commander Rexus, oh you know of me, commander I've watched your career Sir and your impressive rise, so Jesh-hra,! I said It's Jehshra! Lord, sorry, Jshshra I will get it no offence is meant how meny men have you, fifteen thousand Lord but only to be used in this matter, I nodded saying I invite you to dinner at Fort Tasman Point when you finish here, I would be honoured to Sir, I watched the skill of his tribesmen as they passed by us heading deeper into our farmlands, Damb said Rexus he rides inland the raiders must be there, good point I said call in a Scout send him to Jehshra tell him we will escort them, Jehshra rode back to us, I thought to argue but he was happy, the day was young and getting hot but when we found burning farms bodies and a trail turning towards the town of Lennox, Rexus said Sir we must take our men in fast, yes I said form them up, the road was narrow so pushed us into rows of two we raced ahead of the native's and saw the bridge just outside the town across it we ran into the back of thousands of raiders we had just enough time to form rows of ten' and pushed in lances killing wildly most died by arrows from our third and fourth rows of horse archers but we started taking casualties fast until I saw Jehshra's men hit beside us, a warrior in front of me tried to spear my horse but an arrow in his eye made me look back quickly, Hain was shooting from his saddle at speed Rexus beside me screamed ahead Lord look its the town we have them, an arrow hit him knocking him back from his horse, I turned back as a blade cut my leg it was the mans backswing after gutting a horse, he then noticed me his eyes widened a lord looking at my Type of helmet or by my clothes ahh he yelled and turned to me Die you bastard, duelling a man on foot from a horse is hard but my horse was trained to follow knee commands it moved with me behind the raider I noticed a dead horse so slowly moved that way hoping to trip him, but a native crashing through us and rode over him engaging with another man, I looked around and saw that the Aseya fighters were watching the last fighting in the town but they waited outside it some dispatching wounded raiders, Hain had taken three troops inside the town meeting up with the defenders inside victory! Came a shout, some man yelled but most stood silent by the last few buildings left unransacked looking at the Asaya warriors hundreds of other people cheering Hain's men but others looked unsure at the force outside of thousands of bloody natives one of the troopers around me said Sir Lord, commander Rexus is hurt, where! I said remembering, I followed the man's horse to a patio where men lay in pain, I saw men and women stitching cuts and washing wounds, the trooper pointed to a blanket, I rushed forward thinking the worst but saw the face smiling eyes open staring at me, Rexus thank the gods you live, I'll be fine Lord my wound isn't that bad, ah, I saw it' its got to be deep it took you off the horse, a man spoke beside me the shaft is out Lord we pushed it through him no organs were hit but this kind of wound takes time to heal, not me man said Rexus, I will be on my horse within weeks, I said not on that horse I'm afraid it was killed, Damb! I loved it, it was the best horse I ever had, Jehshra walked up four warriors with him, Lord I'm sorry about your losses we arrived too late, not at all Jehshra we thank you for the lives you saved and for knowing not to enter the town in force, he looked over, commander Rexus will you be well, yes thanks Jehshra but it hurts like hell, can I offer my healers they have good pain relief, please it would help us greatly, Lord Raiden I turned to see a pot-bellied man in dirty clothing, I thank you on behalf of the townspeople Lord, I'm consul Draton the appointed overseer of Lennox if you'd not come when you did we'd be dead' all of us, consul it's not me You should thank because, without Jehshra and his Aseya tribesmen, we couldn't have helped, he turned looking at Jehshra then bowed, my town thanks you and your men we are indebted to you Sir, I said look at the people you need to calm them, just remember not all tribesmen raid consul, I know of your tribe Jehshra and would like to talk on trade, ha, said Rexus, always thinking of wealth how long are we staying here, it was a week before Rexus was carried into Fort Tasmin Point unconscious the healers from the tribesmen had given him pain herbs for the journey, the force we destroyed at Lennox was only part of Jehshra's problem their Chief was with most of his men camped with one of the armies of the mixed tribes, yes my Lord said Daron I understand so Jehshra only helps us by hunting as he calls it the Keshan tribe, oh Daron he helps us more than you think our people get to see that not all tribes are bad and that the hate that started all this is reduced but most of all he is here you should have seen the people of Lennox thanking his people the food flowers hugs even, that I would have loved to have seen, you saw the reaction here when we got back Jehshra has a presence, and now our people walk amongst them, not that many Lord, yes but it starts, we can only hope my Lord, I sat with Lord Franklin a wine in hand listening to his hope of using Jehshra in other ways, Lord, I said, Jehshra is a smart man and has told me plainly that his father and the council of Chief's have ordered him not to get involved further, Damb Raiden this is a golden opportunity we must try to take advantage, Sir we don't wont to break our friendship with his tribe the benefits on the coast have been meny but think where our scouts come from, I know your right but sometimes things change I will hope for that then, another drink please, Franklin let me send three troops of our lance horsebow with Jehshra his fame in the farm lands was spreading, we watched Hain and Jehshra leave to cheering by the Fort soldiers and hoped for the best, my aids sat at desks beside mine but the paperwork was not my thing so I had a copy of my ring stamp made that only Reshten the head aid could use for request and orders of supply it had a line across it that all our forces had to know of so it could not be used on troop movements Franklin loved the idea so had one made for each of his top people, but the day came when a troop received orders to head into the desert past a waterhole known used by the tribes only luck had a second ask to see the orders as he was worried about being out their his leader argued but on his second try saw the line, Damb, sir look it's a supply stamp, they turned and rode back fast but a force of thousands chased them, four got back, I was devastated to know we had spy's at HQ, we found the man but he died under questioning, Damb, Lord Raiden I thought this stamp a good idea but now, Sir the ring holder was the problem he kept it in his draw against orders, oh, I didn't read that in the report but still, Sir it was their but I've ordered that random checks be done by bace security, Lord Franklin was happy with that but my good will was damaged Franklin was vain and saw his reputation damaged, commander Daron came to my rooms to talk about the artillerys mobility when word came of an attack at Fort Reston to our left, that's close' to close to us Daron, yes Lord, but do you think it's to draw us out, I thought about it and had him go to Franklin to stop support leaving until our scouts were back, but over seven thousand men were lost that day a blow to moral Franklin sent them to die men said, reports came in later saying two forces trapped our column before it got to Fort Reston in ambush, I was right we should have waited, two days later word of a victory came in by a Scout from Hain's troop, Jehshra with Hain's troops had defeated one of the forces who ambushed our column the number killed was twenty-five thousand but Jehshra only lost nine thousand, Franklin's victory party was cold for me but I was invited, Jehshra came to me, Lord we must talk, anytime Jehshra we are friends I hope, thank you Lord but soon I will be called back by the council of Chief's, I see can I visit your camp tonight to talk, yes Lord I will have men waiting to meet you outside the Fort, I rode in with Daron and two of my native men, Lord Raiden, please sit with you men, Jehshra you are too kind please be at ease with this lot I waved my arm over my three friends, a curtain opened four women entered but warrior women? I stood with my men, please Lord can I introduce my sister Frey and her friends Huru Jesha and Renesh, Ladies I said, then introduced my men we sat and a meal was placed before us I saw Frey look at me her hazel eyes and jet black hair making my jaw open she was beautiful her yellow shirt with a vest of shaped leather and pants with knee high boots the same as her friends gave me the thought of the Amazons, women warriors, Lord said Jehshra, we don't have much time before I'm called back to the tribe my enemy still exist we missed him on our last attack, I need to cut his head off, Frey stood, Lords she said we her hand waved at her friends are only women but we have been asked by my brother to use a secret of the tribes to help in this if you can't convince us we can't help you, Frey! said Jehshra, no, brother, Lord Raiden please hear me I have people now with the enemy of my tribe and scouts giving me up-to-date reports on the mixed Keshan fighters and their Chief who is old and trying to gain fame for his son, wait! I said, you said mixed forces, he has taken in the scum of the tribes to make up his losses, go on I said, Lord, said Jehshra, I must leave soon but my sister stays to help sixteen thousand men are at the Dresh well on open ground a sign a hope in itself we need to use Leg bow with horse archers for as long as they stay then ride them down with our riders, I stood, have you a map an up to date map, Jehshra rolled one out we talked argued but decided to act when I asked of Frey and her warriors things got cold, Lord I won't your word and that of you men that Frey's part is secret but our forces will have help, our force of fifteen troops of Lance bow with leg and Jehshra's twelve thousand with a support of three thousand reserve leg bowmen who worked alone when prest he said, Lord my sister controls them don't ask please just know that they will help, I sat in a tent Hain Daron and Jesharn my native aid feeling inadequate with my one hundred and twenty men even being the best armed and trained men, Daron had supplied two trebuchets and three catapults the wagons waiting ready with their teams Jehshra wasn't sure about them put when told of the damage capable smiled and said good, I couldn't believe the enemy would stay put this long but they did, we left at sunset, I sent twenty Scouts out to remove guards, we watched as the artillery was placed so it could be pulled up by oxen at sunrise, all our leg moved up my nerve about to brake but time got ahead of us and the artillery was pulled up, look said Daron they have now idea even with the trebuchet frames in sight, a horn sounded in the enemy camp, they see it now I said, I gave our horns the shoot order and watched as hundreds of leg bow were shooting, before the shafts hit a trebuchet ball hit in the camp sending men flying sand and equipment everywhere Jehshra jumped with joy then the six-foot leg shafts hit pinning men to the spot more catapult and trebuchet hit the seen was incredible from our spot on the rise, one rock hit and ran the full length of the camp leaving a clear line, I looked to the shafts coming from out of sight Jehshra saw me look and shook his head, this only made me look harder at times I glimpsed movement but a woman came up looking at the camp she raised an arm moved it to her right the arrows moved on the next wave to my left to the only un hit spot of the camp, now men were running to horses or out into the desert, Jehshra waved to a man who pulled his horn and blew men dropped their leg bows and ran to their horses pulling out horse bows I saw Hain and his troops form up with Lance to the front two rows' archers to the back five rows quite a sight, Jehshra watched with me as they cut straight through the camp out one side and back, you did it Jehshra you have them that's all the fighting men of the tribe isn't it, close to Lord yes they will need to ask other tribes for support now, you mean defeat means a total loss to the tribe, it's in their blood Lord, I looked to the rise where the woman was and saw a column of women riding away, with runners between the horses but the speed didn't make sense until I realized poles were between the horses, you didn't see that Lord please, what see what, we laughed.

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