Chapter 6 | | Chillin W/ Friends

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"I saw you slip that 500 in your sleeve." She stated, smirking at me, "Although, starting with a little more money won't help you beat me in monopoly." She triumphantly expressed, "Sleeve. Now."

"That is quite a bold accusation for you to make of me Suzune." I argued back, "I would never cheat on something that's simple to win." Liar.

"Hey Kiyo-pon, if your so certain that you aren't cheating why not just show your sleeve." Haruka added, also now interested in whether or not I was cheating.

"I'm not cheating though."

"Look at me and say that without smiling or laughing!" Ike exclaimed.

"I'm not cheating." My face remained neutral as I looked into his eyes. That method would usually work under normal circumstances however, I am not a normal circumstance.

"Ike... you do know that he rarely ever changes his facial expression..." Miyake deadpanned, knowing that I wouldn't change my expression.

"Gah! You're right! This dudes like a robot..." Ike put his hand on the side of his head and hit it a couple times. An insult that I will pretend I did not hear.

Before anything else could be said, Suzune pounced on me, lifting up sleeve and successfully securing the 500. I could've easily pinned her to the floor but I thought that it'd be boring that way, so I let her take it.

"Kiyotaka~ I thought you didn't need an advantage to win?" She taunted, waving the stolen 500 in my face.

I stretched my hand, "Let's start then, we'll see who's laughing by the end of this."

"Whatever you say Kiyoloser." She muttered the nickname but everyone could hear it.

Haruka brought her hand to her mouth snickering behind it whilst Keisei fixed his glasses trying to cover up the laugh that was bound to emit from his mouth. Miyake turned his head, smirking and trying to suppress the laughter. Ike and Yamauchi on the other hand, they weren't so kind and laughed as loud as they wanted.

"Horikita-chan, I thought you were a stuck up bitch before! But you're pretty cute~!" Yamauchi said, a perverted grin appearing on his face. I stared directly at him, delving into his very soul which quite frankly scared him to death, "Aha! I didn't actually mean that Horikita-Chan...!" Damn right you didn't mean it.

Suzune turned to look at me, confused but I just shrugged my shoulders, not giving her an answer.

"You're pretty funny and cool Horikita... can I call you Hori-chan..?" Haruka asked pleadingly, waiting patiently for Suzunes answer. She most likely would have went for Suzu had she not known that that was my specific nickname for her.

A light blush tinted her cheeks, "I suppose I'll allow it." She needs to stop being so Tsuntsun and accept the fact she wants friends. I do find it quite adorable when watching her interact with others.

"We gotta keep an eye on Ayanokoji incase he cheats... don't let him be in the room alone." Well, if I was left alone, there would indefinitely be money missing from the bank.

| | BOUND | |

"I'm done."  Ike dropped out of the game since he went bankrupt, in fact, I'm surprised he didn't flip the board like in the memes, he does seem like the type of person to do that.

"Suzune. You have Park Lane..." I said slowly.

"Yes I do..." She seemed tk be understanding what I was trying to say.

COTE | | Bound | | [Suzune x Kiyotaka]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя