Stab Me From The Front This Time

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How much more pain I gotta endure?
Are the scares I carry for better or worse?
Is there a target in my back, that I don't know about?
They offering y'all niggaz cash? To fan the fires you see all around?
Like you gotta gang up and drive my ass outta town.
Thinking it ain't gonna draw out some smoke from me.
How dumb you be baby?

Thinking I must live under a rock or some shit?
Like I don't see that devils look or grin. Always acting like a fake ass bitch around me, damn bitch I can't believe y'all almost had me, wrapped around y'alls little finger.

Think it's funny how a bunch of 304's got the idea in they heads that it's okay to disrespect people, slander them, run off the people who did their jobs and gave a shit. While all you did was bitch and complain never lifted a finger or your voice to do your job and teach me what I was missing.
Always at your fucking meetings to push more dirt on me and wonder why I wasn't digging.
I could've made the hole deeper. That much was certain between the gaslighting and button pushing but let's not forget how incompetent you were.

You see when the bullies been enough I'm not afraid to tell you how feel and I did that on more than one occasion and  guess what y'all ran of scared everytime running back to your higher ups because I don't follow blindly off the cliff you want me to fall off of.
Couldn't count how many times it happened but the few good people there knew that hell hole was toxic.
They left, much sooner than I did, but my fault was not following suit in there footsteps.

Put my foot in my own mouth when fighting the final straw bit of more than I could chew with the last one.
Should've know a snake in camo when I see it. But the bitch was a plant, sent there to destroy everything. The downsizing, totalitarian rules, they sent that bitch to break us even though she wasn't a leader.
A week of training to run a business all they gave that bitch before she lost her old station, brought her old luggage with her too. Fired some of them, and more of us too.
Makes you wonder who's she's got to lead.
When the other bitches run people off faster than they could get past the first 90 days.

Makes you wonder why I fucking stayed.
I loved the little animals I guess.
But I ain't no monster. Just someone walking a different path, no different than you.
We all make choices and that's something you should see. So stop hating on people for standing up for what they believe.

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