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Ignorance is bliss, just another way of saying fit in.
Everything is an illusion my friends.
I've found that I have more questions than answers.
So tell me what do you believe?
If you can't see the strands that bind, then maybe you're the one who's blind.
Not everyone can take a punch, to keep getting hit and still have something more, so many of us settle into doubts and limiting beliefs.
Change is painful, but not as painful as not chasing dreams.
Couldn't tell you why it took so long for me.
But now that I'm moving nothing's gonna stop me.

Some of us still holding onto the memories of how things used to be, but lately I've been seeing some of the friendships I still have are illusions too.
Still got people who are pestering me cuz they don't like the new me...
3 years it took me to find some truth.
3 years old 'friends' have tried to take more than I could offer them.
3 years of trying to build something new;
With myself as the focus instead of it being someone I care for.
The people pleasing got a little old.
I started realizing things when I tried to live on my own. Although it wasn't for long, I learned a lot about myself. I learned that
some people say they're your friend. When they're really just plain cold.
They bleed you out, leave you high and dry.
Then come running back crying on the outside, just to get a reaction and a little attention.
They don't like to be ignored. You should of thought about that  before I closed the door.
It's not that I think I'm better it's that I have always felt like I'm not good enough.
Be it family, lovers, or friends. People have yet to understand our true oneness.
Opening up to God, or rather possibility has helped me understand that even if we're all one
The ego is the one thing that always seems to divide us.
So maybe I'm being a little selfish, but these days who isn't.
People are easy to read once you realize how fake we really are.
We all smile and wave to people we know got beef with us.
Or how people will talk shit in the same room as us, because they think they're safe.
Once you've opened that true eye you're in for a world of harsh truths.
People are always jealous of the things that they can't have.
I was jealous of others for having the love I didn't have. So I'd chase, to just feel anything. Now I realize that most of the efforts where in vain. Just another learning opportunity.

The world is set up to divide and tear down unity.
The world has forgotten what love was on a large scale.
We have turned away from the god inside ourselves the one called possibility.
The one I've told all of you about because no matter what religion you believe evey teaching has tried to teach you about this god and it's possibility.
Because we all believe in hope,
When we pray we are opening that third eye. Setting our intentions with God, so we can breathe it light.
We are all made from the same stuff.
All of us are star dust.
Yes life the greatest prayer of all.
For the universe is vast and full of dark.
But we all fill it like the stars at night. Bringing warmth, bringing life.
We may be doomed to repeat part sins, but I'll be damned if I let the darkness win.
I still believe we can change our ways, change the course of all this pain but we are all going to have to put the pain aside, bit our tongue and swallow our pride.
The old machines are running out of time, it's a new cycle now. They can help us by continuing too be fertilizer for the next generation
on which new seeds grow.
It's the natural way for things to end, but the old machines refuse to let go.
I can't blame them playing ruler is fun.
But I would be lying if I didn't say I notice this...
The more good you do, the more you are hated.
People do not like to see you grow, they like constants.
I used to care so much about what others thought of me, but now I'm embracing that I'm always going to feel differently.
This "covid" lie has me really looking inwards.
I couldn't live my life through others like I once had.
I can no longer be codependent on my "friends"

Doing shit for myself now.
So it's alright if you get upset with me
It's alright if you don't like me or my energy
Not my problem if you can't be accountable for you
Not my problem you abused my generosity
So you wanna get mad and make me feel guilty because I took back my power?
How does that make sense?
You're mad because I took away a privilege and are acting like a child.
I already feel bad for having to walk away.
I've had to learn to separate my own feelings from the ones I've absorbed being an empath is often like a double edged sword.
Just because I can put myself in your shoes doesn't mean I have too.
So I distance myself from the things that make me feel drained.
I'm not a food source for vampires, and I am not a psychiatrist.
I'm just not the same person I used to be.
I'm done bending over backwards for everybody.
I have been extending myself and attacking my goals.
Learning new skills setting new goals
You tell me do I sound like that same old kid you knew back then?
I'm saying things bluntly, because I'm tired of not being heard
If that makes me mean or seem like an asshole, then it just is what is. Too many people have done the same.
You earn a lot more respect for being blunt and honest.

I will continue to brave these seas, like a piece of Driftwood.
When a piece of wood touches the sea it becomes embedded with the magic of the sea.
Each person has a touch of magic, but it's up to you too be the pilot.
Stepping up is never an easy task, but if you don't you'll be filled with regrets.
These things weight down your soul like gravity. Keeping you bound and chained to the past.
How does one let go of regret?
By letting go.
You must let go of burdens, and limiting beliefs, if you want to keep moving forward with out the weight of the world on your backs.
It's not easy believe me. I often find myself overwhelmed and overthinking.
So I take a deep breathe, and calm my mind. I become mindful of myself and clear the mind. I let things pass over and through. Because you have to let go of the old you.
Everyday is still a blessing, no matter how bad it may seem,
Live is just a means to end
You're trying to level your soul up, but somehow we've all forgotten where we've come from.
You were made in an image thats what every book says, is it hard to believe you can speak things into existence?

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