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Taehyung and Jungkook's story began in the hallowed halls of university, where they found themselves drawn to each other amidst the chaos of lectures and exams. Jungkook, with his carefree charm, was the junior student, pursuing his dreams in civil engineering, while Taehyung, with his determined spirit, delved into the complexities of mechanical engineering. Their love blossomed against the backdrop of late-night study sessions and stolen glances across crowded lecture halls.

Jungkook, born into a wealthy family, had never known the meaning of struggle. Spoiled by his doting parents—a university professor father and a doctor mother—he, being their only child, had grown used to having his every wish fulfilled.

Taehyung, on the other hand, came from a humble background, his family's love and support outweighing any material wealth. Despite their differences, they both loved each other fiercely, accepting their flaws and quirks with unwavering devotion.

Ten years has passed since those tender beginnings, five years of which they've spent as husband and wife. Their journey together has been a whirlwind of passion and companionship, weathering the storms of life hand in hand. Yet, beneath the surface of their seemingly perfect union, cracks began to form, threatening to shatter the fragile facade of their happiness.

When they got married, they made the decision to start their new journey in Canada. Both of them were deeply committed to their careers. Taehyung was pursuing his PhD, while Jungkook was studying for his Master's degree.

As their relationship grew, they faced more challenges. Jungkook's short temper, a result of his pampered upbringing, caused frequent arguments. But in the end, they always made up because they loved each other a lot.

In the midst of their marital bliss, an unexpected challenge arose as Jungkook's parents decided to join them in Canada, seeking to remain close to their beloved son. While their intentions may have been well-meaning, their presence soon became a source of tension within the household.

Taehyung, already feeling overwhelmed by the demands of his new life, found himself struggling to adjust to the added dynamic of his in-laws living under the same roof. Jungkook's parents, accustomed to a life of privilege and entitlement, failed to recognize the boundaries of their son's marriage, often imposing their will upon the couple's affairs.

Jungkook's mother, in particular, became quite difficult to deal with. Her selfish behavior and controlling attitude created tension in their once peaceful home. Taehyung, feeling ignored and sidelined, struggled with his mother-in-law's demands. Her constant meddling only made their relationship more strained.

Their world was turned upside down when Jungkook suddenly faced cancer, a devastating blow that left them reeling in shock and fear, hitting pause on his studies and throwing them into a world of worry. But Taehyung stayed strong, helping Jungkook when things got really hard. He never left his side, even when things seemed really tough. Taehyung was like a rock for Jungkook, always there to support him.

When Jungkook finally beat cancer, it was like a ray of sunshine after a long storm. They started to dream again, thinking about having a family. And when Taegguk was born, they were overjoyed.

But along with the happiness came a new challenge: Jungkook's postpartum depression, casting shadows on their newfound happiness.

Amidst the whirlwind of Jungkook's health battles and the challenges of raising their child, cracks began to form in Taehyung and Jungkook's once unbreakable bond. Taehyung found himself carrying the weight of their responsibilities alone, while Jungkook became increasingly absorbed in his academic pursuits.

As Jungkook was preoccupied with his studies and Jungkook's parents were aging, Taehyung found himself shouldering the responsibility of caring for Taegguk single-handedly.

What was once a partnership filled with love and understanding turned into a battlefield of exhaustion and frustration, exacerbated by the meddling of Jungkook's overbearing parents.

Life got too tangled up for Taehyung to handle. Jungkook was off in Edmonton for school, while Taehyung was in Regina for his own studies. They hardly had time together. When Taehyung was free, Jungkook was buried in his books, and when Jungkook could visit, Taehyung was swamped with work. Long-distance stuff was never Taehyung's cup of tea, and thinking about it made him feel miserable.

To make matters worse, Jungkook's parents were always butting in, even though they had their own fancy houses back in Korea. They acted like they owned the place in Canada, bossing Taehyung around and not caring a bit about how he felt. Taehyung was sick of being treated like an outsider, especially since he was footing the bills while they lived the high life.

Despite Jungkook's love for his parents, he struggled to see the toll their presence was taking on his marriage. Blinded by familial loyalty, he failed to recognize the extent of the damage being done, leaving Taehyung to bear the brunt of the burden alone.

As tensions brewed beneath the surface, Taehyung found himself increasingly isolated, his efforts to maintain peace in the household overshadowed by his in-laws' intrusions. With each passing day, the gap between them grew wider.

Jungkook's anger issues and constant demands never seemed to get better, despite Taehyung's efforts. Feeling exhausted and fed up with Jungkook and his intrusive in-laws, Taehyung reached a breaking point.

During their vacation to Korea with Jungkook's family, Taehyung made a drastic decision. He returned to Canada alone and initiated the divorce process, without considering the impact it would have on their son, Taegguk.

The news of Taehyung's decision shattered Jungkook's world once again, leaving him devastated and lost.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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