Jungle Escape

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At the jungle the Red, Chuck, Jay and Jewel are in the jungle until Jewel gets dragged by the chained.

Jewel: (Grunts, sighs) (Grunts)

Jewel dragged Blu at the chain and he stepped something.

Blu: Ooh. Ooh. What was that?

Jewel: A stick.

Blu hurt himself that he bumped into something.

Blu: Ahh! And that?

Red: It's just a rock.

Blu: Oh, right. Yeah.

Blu stops and shudders as he feels something on his back.

Blu: (Whimpers) Is that a spider on my back?
Jewel: Will you quit it?! It's just a leaf. Turn around.

Blu turns and we see a huge spider on his back.

Jewel: (Gulps) Um...

Jewel quickly hits the spider off of Blu's back.

Jewel: (Grunts) Leaf. Told you.

Red: Come on, Now, uh, just come on guys. We need to find a safe place to spend the night.

Blu: Safe? Safe? We are in the jungle. You know when people say, "It's a jungle out there"? Well, I'm pretty sure they don't mean it as a good thing.

Jewel: Look, I hate to break it to you, but this is where our kind naturally lives.

Blu: Hey, hey, don't talk to me about nature. I watch Animal Planet. I know all about the food chain.

Just then a bug flying by gets eaten by a frog sticking his tongue out to grab it until a frog gets eaten by a snake.

Blu: Ahh! Ahh! You see? You see? Out here, I'm just an hor d'oeuvres. Nothing more than a feathery spring roll.

Jewel: That is why we stay in the trees and not on the ground.

Pointing to a large tree ahead of them.

Jewel: After you.

She is pointing to a man-made tree house.

Blu: Oh. No. I don't think so. Uh-huh. No. I would feel much more comfortable in something man-made. Um... Hey. How about up there?

He pointed to the house that the birds had to walk to the house.

Jewel: I can't believe we have to drag your clumsy butt up there.

Blu: Drag me? (Scoffs) Watch and learn.

Blu was dragging Jewel at the house but Red, Chuck and Jay were following them.

Jewel: Oh! Blu! Oh! Just wait one... (Gasps) Blu! (Sighs)

Blu: Who's dragging whose butt now, huh?
Jewel: Ha ha. Very funny. (Laughing) Oh! (Grunting)

Blu is still dragging Jewel and Red, Chuck and Jay still following them.

As Blu reaches the top of the tree house the same goes with Jewel, Red, Chuck and Jay.

Blu: You see? Who needs flying?
Jewel: Birds. Birds need flying. Flying is... it's freedom and-and not having to rely on anyone. Don't you want that?

Red: And also flying is an ability to stop those pigs.

Blu: Mmm, I don't know. Sounds a little lonely. Uh... uh, I'm probably going to be up for a little while, muh, 'cause I'm-I'm still on Minnesota time.

Red has the idea that he, Chuck, Jay, Blu and Jewel never introduced themselves.

Red: Alright let's introduce. My name is Red.

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