We are here at the dinner party specially arranged for VIPs. Kinn and Vegas are busy discussing business with people. Thanks to Vegas he ordered the bodyguards to eat as well. The food is so good here. We four were enjoying the food especially Pete He is in cloud nine. Food is life for Pete hahaha. That sweet and satisfied face he makes while eating hahaha. Big and Ken are tailing Kinn without eating. Vegas bodyguards are eating separately. Maybe Vegas is really happy winning the bidding. Pete and I finished our dinner and went back to check the cars where Kinn and Vegas travel. There's nothing suspicious or dangerous. So we informed them to come. Kinn tried to put me in his car with him. But I escaped. Big, Ken,  Arm and Pol are in Kinn's car. Pete and I are in Vegas' car with two of his bodyguards. The other two cars are shielding front and behind.

          Vegas seems to be in a very good mood. He asked to play some songs as well. I have never seen this side of Vegas. He looks more romantic. Is he in love with that portrait guy or what? hahaha. "Pete! are you sick? Why is your face so red and also your ears? Do you have any allergies? " I panicked seeing how red Pete is. "Aii Porsche don't shout. I am fine Maybe it's hot inside the car." "Ehhh? Hot inside the car? The car's AC is on high for fucking sake Pete." I stopped nagging him when he slapped my thigh hard. Guess the spicy foods are making him go crazy. Should I not let him eat too much spicy food from now on?. I turned to look outside the window. Everyone went silent but the song
🎶🎶🎶I keep the moments when it's only the two of us.
In my heart, I can never forget it.
You're brighter than the blue sky.
You've got a golden heart.
With pictures of love,
I wish I could change our lives to be joyful.
When you smile, the world becomes beautiful. I just want to thank you for every good day that I have with you🎶🎶🎶

(I really like these lyrics. It's from the novel where Vegas flirts with Pete)

A tear rolled down my cheeks. The first time I met Kinn he looked intimidating. I learnt the soft side of Kinn as days passed. I always wanted to protect him. All the martial arts I have learnt are for Kinn. He has rescued me. Provided me with shelter. I can still remember the days when I was scared to even open the door of our house. My Uncle Arit made me work to gamble around. Life was hell back then. He threatened me with Chay. I have worked overtime to protect Chay. Even if I work and earn enough for our daily food, we still eat buns. The day I jumped into the river it was not an accident. Arit decided to sell me to an old man. He said The old man saw me at P'Yoks bar and was amazed at my work skills. Arit asked me to work for him at his house. The wage was high so I decided to work there. I worked there for a week. One day I was ordered to serve drinks and snacks for that old man and his friends. They were parting in his room. I can still remember the horrible day. His friend asked me to sit with him. I can't deny it since I am working for the old man. He started to touch me  inappropriately. It felt horrible. I tried to get up and run but they captured me. They all tried to rape me. I was beaten up when I refused. I was made to lie down on my stomach. Those horrible tongues licked me exactly where my current tattoo is. That's the reason behind my Phenix tattoo I wanted to overcome that incident. I thrashed and escaped the building and ended up jumping into the river. What if Kinn never found me. What if Kinn never rescued me. Would they have gone after my brother? What if Kinn didn't take me and Chay to his house? I can't imagine how horrible our life could have turned if Kinn did not rescue me on that day. I sobbed uncontrollably. Avoiding Kinn feels terrible. I never wanted him out of my sight yet we are in different cars right now. Kinn shouldn't have done that. I touched my chest where Kinn's name has been craved. My eyes filled with silent tears. He really scared me that day. I don't want Kinn to treat me the same as those sick old men did.

Why is Kinn here? I was with Pete in Vegas' car!. Kinn told me to follow his breathing. He made me look at his eyes and I did what he said. I don't really understand what is happening. Am I dreaming? Kinn hugged me close when my breathing came back to normal. I have always wished for a moment like this. Someone to hold me like this. Someone to protect me from this horrible world. I leaned close to Kinn and closed my eyes. "Kinn I don't want to be scared of you." I sobbed.

KINNPORSCHE : RESCUED HEARTS Where stories live. Discover now