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"Everything's going to be alright darling!" Wally called up to me, holding out his hand in a way to lure me off the ladder I was currently using to hang up a banner.

"Or whoever brought me here tries to kill me because they realize I'm onto them." My hand grips anxiously around the string to the end of the big blue "WELCOME HOME!" banner I was trying to hang in the kitchen doorway. I gasp suddenly, making the ladder wobble. Wally quickly manages to steady the ladder before I could lose my balance, teeth clenched as he shoots me an anxious look. "Or worse.. what if the party sucks and they all hate me."

"(Y/N), I promise there is absolutely no way my friends could hate you." My frowning face meets Wally's as he sighs, his anxious look melting onto a tiny smile. "I don't think anyone could." My face turns a bright red at his sweet words.

He's been saying a lot of things like this the last few days. We've gotten a lot closer while coming up with our "master plan", in more ways then one. Not only has he been oddly sweet, for example, when we had to go to Eddie's post office to mail out the invitations, he insisted on holding my hand on the walk there and back. He's also been going out of his way to stay with me until I fall asleep at night, saying he wants to make sure I feel safe and get a proper rest. It almost felt like he might like me... you know... in a romantic sense.

I shook the thought away the second it popped into my head, my face heating up just at the idea. "There's no way! He's probably just remembering all the good times we must have had when we were younger! Being with me makes him feel nostalgic. That's gotta be it."

The ladder began tilting a bit to one side, making me realize I had begun leaning one way absentmindedly while I was lost in thought. Wally once again scrambled to hold the death contraption in place. "Can you please come down now before you end up with a concussion." He whined anxiously, looking like he might just have a panic attack if I stayed up here any longer.

I stuck the last side of the banner up before carefully climbing back down, cautious of Wally's fingers which were still hooked onto the metal with a death grip. One hand rested gently on my back to help steady me before my feet hit the ragged carpet and he began biting his nails. He breathed a sigh of relief, quickly folding up and putting away the ladder, glad to finally be done with it.

"Alright, the decorations are done, we got groceries so we have food for everyone... wait." I paused for a moment, suddenly remembering why the house house smelt so sweet. Only now, that sweet scent was starting to turn a little, well, smoky. "SHIT THE COOKIES!"

I rushed into the kitchen and opened the oven, not realizing my mistake until my bare skin made contact with the blazing metal pan. My hand immediately pulled back as I let out a loud yelp, a burning sensation filling my palm and fingertips. Tears formed in my eyes as I cradled the injured limb, holding it close to my chest.

Wally was by my side immediately, alarmed by my pained cry. "Oh goodness." He muttered, gently pulling me by the wrist over to the sink where he stuck my hand under cold water. "Are you alright?" He questioned softly, dark orbs gazing worriedly into my tear filled eyes.

I nodded, which was a lie, but I was too busy biting my lip to stop myself from screaming and or sobbing to form any words. He disappeared for a minute before returning with a first aid kit and an ice pack wrapped in a towel. He took my hand out of the cold water, making the stinging feeling return, but only for a moment as he guided me over to sit at the table and placed my hand on the wrapped ice pack. "You should really be more careful." He mumbled as he popped open the first aid kit.

My head hung low, watching as he searched through the metal box. "Sorry." I whispered, my eyes now dry but face still flushed from embarrassment and leftover adrenaline.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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