Ciel ger Chinese scene

773 33 26

Nulho: So, because the mini reaction place is so short to make some drama, here I am.  We can play drama here!

The characters here are all characters that I have published!

So let's introduce ourselves first for those who may not have read it!

Leon: We from 'I'm just a fan tcf ff.'

Leon Cale: It's a wild story.  Haha. So make sure you guys are not innocent when read it. ^^

Lady Venion: I'm from 'I'm Becoming a Venion Stan'.  The first Nulho nim story.  So don't ask how bad the English was.  Also, it's the female version of Venion!  That's why I'm a lady.

Lady Venion Cale: Also, it's discontinued.  There's Loura and Alberu too.

Cally: from 'Why sister why'. Only 3 chapters, but I'm crazy.  Hahahaha!

Cally White Star: Gosh.  This is so embarrassing.

Ellen: Heya!  I'm from 'Red string is not broken yet'.  Same world as Leon up there.  But my partner is Eru-Chan.

Eru-Chan: And you mine.

Preggo Cale: I'm from 'I'm what'. As my nickname, I'm pregnant for now.

Preggo Cale Choi Han: Ahem...

Kind Clopeh: I'm from the Son of the Sekka Household.  *Shy*

Bern Cale: We from Stuck in Henituse stepson body.

Bern: *nodded.*

Ghost Basen: Wow, I got my body back here!  Woohoo!

Ciel: I'm from 'Become the butler in Tcf harem Fics'.  Once gets taken down by Wattpad, then gets remake.  Sigh...

Harem Cale: *Chuckle* Nulho nim just didn't want to let us go.

Ciel Hans: Ughh, why am I here too?

Bul Yeol: Because you have many fans.

Kim Seung Jong: Uhh, I'm from 'Shitty uncle, I'm no difference'... Can you change the title?

Nulho: Nope ^^

Park Jin Tae: Well, you need to bear it since you were a bastard to my father.

Kim Rok Soo: Hello.

Park Ye Jun: Ahem, hello.

L.H Deruth: I'm from 'Transmigration As A Deruth Henituse.'

Depressed Venion: why am I here?

Neo: haha, we from 'I just want a good way to die'... Hey, can you change it?  My lovely Venion nim!

Naru: we from 'I'm a child'.

Naru Cale: But why I'm the one who gets all the love interest?

Naru: Watty hates pedophiles.  Ciel is only 16 years old and gets taken down.

Omega Cale: Why am I here too!?  *From Omega Cale*

Nulho: uhh, since you are not a one-shot...

Damian: ....... I'm not even in the tcf fics story.  *From War, I don't care*

Nulho: You're my child!




Nulho: Now, now.  Let's begin our drama here!

Ciel: Who goes first?

Ellen: Since you asked, you will go first.

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