Chapter 5

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I hate that I had to go into the store looking like this. The guy sold me the newest version on my phone but luckily I was in and out fast. I put the phone in my backpack and throw my helmet back on speeding off back to set.

I settle back into Lizzie's trailer setting up my phone and I almost regret setting it up. I have 14 texts and 5 missed calls from Felicity. I knew she wouldn't listen to me.

Felicity: I'm so sorry, please answer.

Felicity: Come on Love, answer.

Felicity: Love, I'm getting worried.

It was a lot of the same except they got angrier. So I just put her on mute, and I turn on ESPN to watch a game while I wait.

Lizzie comes in she's in her street clothes again meaning I get to take her to my home and have dinner.

"Get a new phone?" She asks and I nod bringing her in for a kiss.

"Let's go, I'm ready to make you dinner." I say and she raises her eyebrows at me in question.

"Yes I know how to cook." She grabs her stuff and I go towards my bike. "Follow me." She nods, I start up my bike waiting for her to get in her car and I head home.

I internally groan when I see a rental car parked out front. So when I pull into the garage Lizzie pulls into the driveway behind me.

I hop off my bike quickly and open Lizzie's door, "I'm so sorry but Felicity is here."

"Should I leave?" She asks not getting out right away. I shake my head quickly, "No, can you stay here for a minute while I get rid of her?"

"Of course. Be careful." She closes her door as I head into the house. Felicity is waiting for me but she's looking out of the window.

"What's she doing here?"

"Felicity, you need to leave." I say as she turns around she covers her mouth with her hand.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry love." She walks towards me but I step back. That stops her in her tracks. "Leave Felicity. We are done."

"You wouldn't be saying this if you didn't have her waiting for you." She says angrily but also with some hurt.

"You know after you hit me again last night I realized just how toxic we are together and you will never want me outside of our bubble. So I need you to leave me alone and let me try to be with someone who wants me."

"Fine, but when you realize you can't be without me. Or that she doesn't give you want you need. You'll come crawling back. You always do." With that she walks out the door and I follow her so she doesn't try to talk to Lizzie.

She gets in her car and drives off. I let out a breath I've been holding and walk over to Lizzie's car and open her door.

Lizzie POV

Watching them walk out together, Y/N looked so upset and I swore I saw her glare at me before getting in her car. I watch her leave and am startled by the car door opening.

"Hey, come on let's have some dinner." He says offering his hand out to me. He's smiling down at me and I see the tension leaving his body once she's gone.

I nod smiling back up at him taking his hand. He doesn't let go of my hand till we get into the kitchen and he starts making some pasta.

He's very quiet but I know that her being her threw him off so I let him process and watch him make us dinner.

"Oh crap, sorry Lizzie. Do you want something to drink I have beer, milk, water and I think I have a bottle of wine." He walks around to the a cabinet finding a bottle of wine.

"Yes, wine sounds great."

He uncorks the bottle and pours me and him a glass.

"I want you to know that I didn't invite her here." He tells me as he dishes up the meal.

"It's okay, I believe you. We don't have to talk about her. We can just enjoy this delicious pasta you made us." I tease and his cheeks turn pink.

"I know it's lame. You'd probably cook us something amazing." He just twirls his noddles on his plate but doesn't lift it up to take a bite he just twirls and twirls. Till I put my hand in his forearm.

"Y/N I was teasing. You don't have to impress me with fancy meals. I just want to enjoy your company." That makes him look up. His eyes and nose look a little less swollen. He smiles and nods.

The rest of the dinner we spend in comfortable silence. When we both finish I help him clean up. Once we are done we head into the living room with our wine.

"What made you want to become an actor?" I ask him as we sit down.

"It was actually a girl. She was in drama club and she was so pretty. I was in all the sports but my junior year she moved to my school and I watched her in the school play she was amazing so I tried asking her out but she wouldn't give me the time of day. So I tried out for the next school play and turns out I was really into it and the drama teacher said I had a real talent for it."

"Did you finally get the date?" I ask and he laughs shaking his head.

"Nope still didn't give me the time of day because I was the better actor. We both laugh.

"But I did bang the drama teacher."
He says seriously and I freeze.

"Wait really?" I ask afraid of the answer.

"No." He starts busting up laughing and I slap his arm.

"Oh my gosh, you ass."

"I just had to. That was way too easy."

We laugh and talk for the rest of the night. Talking to him is so easy and he's so sweet. I can't wait to spend more time with him.

Felicity POV

I'm so stupid, he doesn't deserve what I'm putting him through. I love him so much but I can't be with him. He cares and I know he loves me.

Of course he is seeing her she's his age. Younger than me, I don't know what I was thinking. I've pushed him right into the arms of another woman because of my own insecurities of me getting older. I just worry that the paps will always say I'm way too old for him. So that's why I date those other older guys to make me feel special and so I still look desirable.

His poor face, I didn't think I hit him that hard. I pushed him too much and he called me something he's never called me before. So I lost it and just swung at him.

Now she's there to comfort him and I'm probably going to lose him to her.
I can't lose him.

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