La Mujer Hermosa

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Now that I've got your attention, here are some links to help the Palestinians:

1. helps donate with the click of a button every day

2. if you're confused and want to learn more.

3. Donate to help fund feminine hygiene products.

4. Donate to the little ones who have to endure this hell on earth.

If you have any more let me know please and I'll gladly update the fic to help spread the word.

We need to help Palestine as much and soon as possible. They need our help and we need to do something. Why donate to this site which has plenty of perks when you could save a life? Free Palestine!

Edit: Thank you to the people who have dm'd me more links! Email the pendejos in office to stop supporting this horrific ethnic cleansing. If you think there aren't people just like you who want to help the Palestinians, think again, this fundraiser
for Palestinian aid has made almost $50,000 dollars! Key word being almost. Why not help make it $50,000?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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