For now, he'll take things slow. After all, the last thing he wants is to act too overbearing and scare you off.

"That makes sense," Xavier says. "I'll send you the address for one of the places I'm considering. If the location isn't too inconvenient for you, let's agree to meet there once we're both done with work."

"Yep! Sounds good."

You click off the phone call, still smiling. At least there's something to look forward to today. It'll help you get through yet another tedious shift.

I've seen him a bunch of times at Plasma Inc., but since it's a more special occasion, maybe I should put some effort into my appearance?

You open up your closet and start weighing your options, which is kind of weird, since it's not like it's a date or anything. It's just a meet-up between two people who are hoping to become better acquainted.'s not a date, right?

Your heartbeat quickens, and suddenly, you're not quite sure what to think.


Even though you've already met with Xavier several times before, the novelty of the situation makes you a touch nervous.

It's kind of funny, when you think about it. This is the same guy that drinks your blood on the regular, something which most people would be scared shitless to go through, and yet, the idea of meeting up with him for coffee is what's getting you all worked up. Perhaps part of you can't help but be worried that if today goes poorly, he might not want to be your client anymore, and then you'll have to hope the program will match you with someone else so that you can afford to keep making Johnny's payments in time.

As always, money is the main source of your concerns, but it's not just about the money. Now that you've spent a bit of time with Xavier and gotten a feel for what kind of person he is, you'd honestly be pretty bummed out not having him to talk to anymore. You enjoy spending time with him, and you want to see if this will develop into a meaningful relationship-either as a friend or perhaps even something more.

So, yeah. You're a little nervous, and when you step inside the coffee shop, you can feel just how rigid your steps are.

However, one look at Xavier, sitting at a table by the window and smiling gently in your direction, makes all your worries melt away.

Just like that, your excitement overshadows your anxiety.


You grin widely and rush over to him. He stands up to greet you. "Hello," he says, as poised and charming as always. "Thank you for agreeing to meet me here. How has your day been so far?"

"It's been fine," you say, quickly sitting down. You pause for a moment, then smile shyly. "Well, it's better now that I get to hang out with you."

Xavier does his best not to let it show, but the second you utter those words, his heart nearly stops beating.

He's convinced it must be illegal for someone to be this cute.

"What about you?" you ask. "Did work go well? You look like you must have a pretty important job. You've even got business cards and everything."

"Is that so?" Xavier chuckles. "I didn't realize owning business cards automatically dictated a person's professional success."

You blush. "Um... well, not exactly, but I'm sure you know what I meant."

Love Bite | Yandere!Vampires x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now